Difference between Microcomputer and Supercomputer

1. Microcomputer: A microcomputer is a general-purpose computer also known as a personal computer. Microcomputers are used for day-to-day work in our homes and offices. Microcomputers are used for simple tasks because it has a single processor. 

2. Supercomputer: Supercomputers are the most powerful, very large in size, and very expensive computers in the world. Supercomputers have very high storage capacity and can store thousands of times more data than an average personal computer. The supercomputer can process billions of instructions in a second. Modern supercomputers have thousands of processors and are used for complex computations. 

Prerequisite – Classification of Computers 

Differences between Microcomputer and Supercomputer are as follows: 

Microcomputer Supercomputer
Microcomputers are general-purpose computers that are mostly used for daily work that performs all logic and arithmetic operations. While supercomputer is used for complex and large mathematical computations.
Microcomputers are small in terms of size. While the size of a supercomputer is very large.
Microcomputers are cheaper than supercomputers. Whereas the supercomputers are very expensive.
Microcomputer speeds lower than supercomputers. Whereas supercomputer speed is extremely high.
Microcomputers can have multiple operating systems simultaneously. Whereas at present, supercomputers have Linux and their different operating systems.
Microcomputers are used in offices, education systems, database management systems, word processing, etc. Where supercomputers are used in astronomy, data analysis, robot designing, weather forecasting, data mining, etc.
Microcomputers usually have a processor. While modern supercomputers can contain thousands of processors.
Microcomputer was invented by Bill Pentz team. Whereas supercomputer was invented by Seymour Cray.
Microcomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 70 to 100 MIPS. Whereas supercomputers can have a processing speed in the range of 100 to 900 MIPS.
Examples of microcomputers are laptop, desktop, IBM-PC, etc. Examples of supercomputers are Cray Supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, etc.