Difference between Microservices and Serverless

1. Microservices :
Micro services is further named as “Microservice Architecture“ as it represents software application development architecture. It is used to create software systems which initiates to focus on structuring single-function. It can run in an independent environment. In microservice architecture each function operates independently and interacts with other functions/services as per required so each service operates as an independent service.

Microservices obeys the rules of SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) as it allows the user to create new application and can run various app independently in a similar system. In this architecture each service operates independently and uses APIs and communication protocols for interaction between them. As it allows as many as user to develop an app which can be finished in a short period of time.  

Types of Microservices :

  1. Stateless Microservices
  2. Stateful Microservices

1. Stateless Microservices :

Stateless microservices is a type of microservices which never keeps any existing data with it. Every time whenever we will use this system then we will get a new interface in which we have to add a new data. It takes as a request, process it, and then send a response back without persisting any state information.

2. Stateful Microservices :

In stateful microservices it always maintain a record in a database which makes easier for the user to program with it very efficiently. Rather than store this state internally, a microservice should store state information externally, in some type of data store i.e., relational database management system (RDBMS), a NoSQL database etc.

Role of Microservice :  

  • Decompose your data before the code.
  • Pay attention to inter-services communication.
  • Make sure you have the right skills.

Advantages and Disadvantages of microservices :

Advantages :

  1. We can develop and deploy each microservice on a different platform, using different programming languages and developer tools.
  2. Applications composed of microservices scale better so it has better scalability.
  3. It also reduces the time to market and speed up your CI/CD pipeline.
  4. Faster development cycles (easier deployment and debugging.
  5. Platform and language agnostic services.

Disadvantages :

  1. Each team has to cover the whole microservice lifecycle so it needs more collaboration.
  2. Difficult to test and monitor because of the complexity of the architecture.
  3. Poorer performance, as it needs to communicate like messages, processing etc.
  4. Harder to maintain the network as it has less fault tolerance and needs more load balancing etc.

2. Serverless :

Serverless is a type of cloud computing model which provides backend services on a preowned basis. A serverless provides the user an era to write and execute code without any difficulties about the primary infrastructure.

To execute each line of code the cloud provides allocates compute storage and the assets. With the help of this computing the service provider maintains all the framework, there is no need to worry about backend process.  

For the coders there is no need to worry about the servers for experiential uses. Serverless computing manages all the services i.e.,

  • The affective machine and container management.
  • Hardware assigning.
  • Particular task built into the code like multithreading.

Serverless model is very efficient to use and provides accurate data without doing any vigorous work.  

Types of Serverless :

There are mainly two types of serverless computing those are:

  1. Backend-as -a -Service (BaaS)
  2. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS)

1. Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) :

It is basically used to evolve applications for web and mobiles. It requires third party to allow the user to concentrate on the frontend of an app. The best example for BaaS is AWS Lambda.

2. Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) :

It allows the user to implement a little bit of code on the network edge. With the help of FaaS

the user can create a modular architecture, which will be more efficient and scalable without using as many as resources for maintaining the backend process. The example for FaaS is Cloudflare Workers.

Role of Serverless :

  • This computing provides us a huge number of benefits over traditional cloud-based or server-centric support.
  • It provides better functionality and scalability.
  • There is no need to buy any other sources for managing backend servers.
  • It provides the user to code in an open-source era without any huddles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of serverless :

Advantages :

  1. It is user friendly as it doesn’t require any other server or to any work with backend process.
  2. By the help of serverless computing model it is easy to develop any app or resources.
  3. Automatically it provides the user a storage, networking and databases in a serverless architecture.
  4. It is lower in cost as compared to other cloud services.
  5. It has easy going environment in which we can run our code anywhere.

Disadvantages :

  • FaaS and serverless workloads are made to scale up and down efficiently in response to workload but it doesn’t provide these types of savings for smooth going processes workloads.
  • It is somehow complicated for serverless era to analyze how the code will actually work.
  • It has to repeatedly upgrade its security concerns.
  • As it is an open source and can run anyway it sometimes needs to reboot itself for its better performance.

Difference between microservices and serverless :




01. Microservices is used to develop many different applications by the help of container.  Serverless is an environment which is used to execute the code anyway anywhere.
02. It is a type of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). It is a type of cloud computing model.
03. Microservice have the technologies within cloud-based environment.  Serverless function are only way to host microservices.
04. Microservices is a way to create an application.  It is an medium or we can say another way of running an application.
05. It needs to run constantly.  In this we would be better of deploying them inside the containers.
06. It has very mature function.  It has less mature function as compared to microservices.
07. Plenty of solution can monitor and manages in microservice application.  Monitoring and log management can be more difficult to find in serverless.