Difference between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants

The difference between monocarpic and polycarpic plants is that both have different lifespans and reproductive cycles. Monocarpic plants have a shorter lifespan as compared to polycarpic plants. Monocarpic plants are characterised by a single reproductive cycle which leads to flowering and production of seeds.

On the other hand, polycarpic plants spend their energy on multiple reproductive cycles in their lifespan. Apart from the differences, there are similarities between monocarpic and polycarpic plants. Both of these reproduce in the same manner and have a similar plant body. In this article, we will learn about the differences and similarities between monocarpic and polycarpic plants.

Table of Content

  • What are Monocarpic Plants?
  • What are Polycarpic Plants?
  • Difference Between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants
  • Similarities Between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants
  • Conclusion: Difference between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants
  • Difference Related Articles
  • FAQs on Difference between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants

What are Monocarpic Plants?

Monocarpic plants, also known as semelparous plants reproduce once during their lifetime. They flower only once, produce seeds and then die. These are also called annual plants. Most of the plant’s energy is utilized to produce seeds for the next generation, hence it dies after its reproductive cycle.

Some examples of monocarpic plants are agave, bamboo, some species of palm, etc. Monocot families having monocarpic plants are Agavaceae, Arecaceae, Musaceae, Bromeliaceae and Poaceae. Dicot families having monocarpic plants are Fabaceae, Asteraceae, etc.

What are Polycarpic Plants?

Polycarpic as the name suggests means that these plants are capable of reproducing multiple times in their lifetime. They flower frequently which leads to the production of seeds many times. These plants distribute their energy equally between growth and reproduction so that they can grow and reproduce multiple times. These are also called perennial plants.

Some examples of polycarpic plants are trees, herbs and shrubs. These plants play an important role in the biological ecosystem as they live for a long period and thus have multiple interactions with other organisms in the ecosystem.

Difference Between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants

The following table shows the difference between monocarpic and polycarpic plants:


Monocarpic Plants

Polycarpic Plants


Produce flowers and seeds once

Produce flowers and seeds multiple times

Life Cycle

Single reproductive cycle

Multiple reproductive cycles

Growth pattern

Invest energy in a single reproductive event

Distribute energy over multiple reproductive events





Reproduce via seeds

Reproduce via seeds and vegetative propagation


Bamboo, Agave

Apple, Rose, Oak tree

Similarities Between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants

We have already read about their differences, but there are also some similarities seen in these plants like:

  • Both plants have a similar structure which allows them to reproduce and produce seeds for the next generation.
  • Both monocarpic and polycarpic plants have similar kind of sexual reproduction.
  • Both types of plants contribute a lot to the ecology dynamics. Monocarpic plants produce large number of seeds and polycarpic plants live for a long period of time, thus interacting with multiple species.

Conclusion – Difference between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants

Monocarpic plants and Polycarpic plants are differentiated on the basis of their reproductive cycle. Monocarpic plants are annual in nature as they flower only once in a lifetime. Polycarpic plants are perennial plants and have the opportunity to reproduce multiple times in their lifetime. They both have similar plant body structure and the same way of sexual reproduction.

Difference Related Articles

FAQs on Difference between Monocarpic and Polycarpic Plants

Is Apple a Monocarpic or a Polycarpic plant?

Apple is an example of a polycarpic plant as it reproduces many times in its lifespan.

How do Monocarpic Plants Differ from Polycarpic Plants?

The main difference between monocarpic and polycarpic plants is that monocarpic plants reproduce only once in their lifetime and polycarpic plants reproduce many times during their lifetime.

Which Plant Gives Fruit Once in a Life?

Monocarpic plants flower and produce fruit only once in their lifetime. E.g, Agave, Bamboo, etc.

How Long do Monocarpic Plants Live?

Monocarpic plants can live for a long time but as soon as they bloom, they die.

Give Few Examples of Polycarpic Plants.

Some examples of polycarpic plants are rose, mango, guava, herbs, shrubs and trees.

What is a Polycarpic Plant with an Example?

A polycarpic plant is one that can flower and produce seeds multiple times over its lifetime. An example is the apple tree.

What are Annuals and Perennials?

Annuals complete their life cycle in one growing season, while perennials live for multiple years, regrowing from the same roots each year.