Difference between MTP3 and MTP3B

1. MTP3 :
This Message Transfer Part (MTP3) is an Part of the Signaling System And it is used for Communication in Public Switching (Communication)Telephone Networks

  • Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP3) is an that Resides at the OSI Model At Layer 3
  • This MTP3 Protocol Performs the SS7 protocol’s Networks functions
  • MTP3 is an SS7 Level Protocol
  • The MTP3 is For Signalling Data Link functional level for the narrowband signalling(Communication ) Networking links And For to Broadband The Signalling links
  • MTP3 Protocol is responsible for the Reliable , Unduplicated and  for the in-sequence Transport of SS7 Level Protocol Networking Messages Between to its Communication Partners
  • MTP3 is formally defined primarily in ITU-T Recommendations for it
  • These ITU-T tests are used to validate the correct implementation of the MTP3 protocol
  • MTP3 Uses in 3G cellular networks

2. MTP3B :
The Message Transfer Part level 3 (MTP3B) Broadband provides the Message Routing discrimination and the distribution ( for peer to peer link )

  • MTP3B is used for Broadband signaling
  • It also provides the Signalling link management and load sharing
  • Using This MTP3B Protocol Can Achieve The changeover between links within one link Set
  • This MTP3B protocol is a broadband ISDN based protocol used typically in the System Modes Like ATM ( Asynchronous Transfer Mode )
  • MTP3B Protocol is Having Three Sub Layer SSCF, SSCOP, and AAL5
  • MTP3B Uses in Radio Access

Difference between MTP3 and MTP3B :




1 MTP3 – Message Transfer Part Level 3 MTP3B- Message Transfer Part Level 3 Broadband
2 MTP3 is used for Narrowband signaling MTP3b is used for Broadband signaling
3 MTP3 is the traditional TDM MPT3B is Designed for supporting ATM features
4 Based On transmission system Based On the Basis of MTP3
5 The PC SSN Pairs Uses MTP3 To Route The Messages

MTP3B Also provides message routing,

discrimination And distribution

6 MTP3 – (B-ISDN) ATM Adaptation Layer MTP3B – SS7 (M3UA) – User Adaptation Layer
7 MTP3 Uses in 3G cellular networks MTP3B Uses in Radio Access
8 MTP3 Protocols Enhances The Functions Provided by its Lower Layers MTP3B Protocol is Having Three Sub Layer SSCF, SSCOP, and AAL5