Difference Between Nucleus And Nucleoid

Difference Between Nucleus And Nucleoid: Nucleus is a double membrane-enclosed organelle and the nucleoid is present in prokaryotes. Both the nucleus and nucleoid carry the genetic material but there are some major differences between them. In this article, we will cover the differences between nucleus and nucleoids as well as some similarities.

Table of Content

  • What is Nucleus?
  • What is Nucleoid?
  • Difference between Nucleus and Nucleoid
  • Similarities between Nucleus and Nucleoid
  • Conclusion – Difference Between Nucleus And Nucleoid
  • FAQs on Difference Between Nucleus And Nucleoid

What is Nucleus?

The nucleus found in eukaryotes is fully enclosed by a double membrane. The nucleus contains genetic materials which are composed of DNA, RNA, histones & Protein. Gene is transferred from generation to generation. The nucleus functions to control cell growth, regulation, synthesis, and reproduction.

Structure of Nucleus

The structure of nucleus is dicussed below:

Nuclear Envelop

  • It is a double membrane structure found in eukaryotic cells surrounding the nucleus and occupies about 10% of cells volume.
  • It is composed of a phospholipids bilayer
  • Bilayer contains nuclear pores that allow the exchange of biomolecules in and out of the nucleus.


  • Nucleolus is a specialized region within the nucleus containing contains RNA and proteins and is responsible for ribosome biogenesis.
  • It is essential for producing rRNA and assembling ribosomal subunits, which are key players in protein synthesis.
  • During the synthesis of protein, all components of RNA and Proteins come together to form ribosomes.


  • The nucleoplasm form of aqueous substances contains organic and inorganic dissolved materials within the nuclear membrane.
  • It is also known as karyoplasm, composition the same as cytoplasm. Protect genetic material by its ionic balance. 

Also Read: Nucleus

What is Nucleoid?

Archaeabacteria and prokaryotes are unicellular and do not have membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotes have an irregular shape and condensed structure containing all types of genetic material (DNA, RNA & Ribosomes).Prokaryotes do not have a membrane-bound nucleus and nucleoid directly attaches to the cytoplasm that’s why it is an irregular structure.

In addition to DNA, RNA & Histones nucleoid makes very compact structure in a continuous thread. Due to the absence of a well-organized structure of the nucleus replication starts in the cytoplasm, which has a reduced environment and leads to a high rate of mutation in DNA.

Difference Between Nucleus and Nucleoid

The main difference between cell nucleus and nucleoid is given below:





The nucleus membrane-bound is a double membrane-bound membrane organelle found in eukaryotic cells, it contains genetic materials.

Prokaryotes contain genetic material but it is not well a developed organized structure called a nucleoid.

Volume in a cell

Well, organized contains a structure of about 10% of cells volume.

Unorganized structure.

Genetic material

Contains several genetic materials DNA, RNA & Protein.

Contains chromosomes only.


The nucleus is spherical in shape.

Irregular shape found.

Membrane structure

Contains a double membrane structure and nuclear pore structure. 

Do not contain membrane-bound structures.

Passage in organelle

The nuclear pore is present for the exchange of the biomolecule inside and outside of the nucleus to maintain the concentration of the nucleus.

Does not exchange any molecule it is an irregular enclosed structure.

Cellular Fluid

Nucleoplasm Present in the nucleus.

No nucleoplasm was found.

Genetic Material Presents

Composition of DNA, RNA, Histone & Ribosomes presents.

Contains DNA, RNA & Histones.

Similarities Between Nucleus and Nucleoid

As discussed above there are many differences between nucleus and nucleoid but there are some similarities as well:

  • The nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle that contains genetic material, nucleoid also contains genetic material it is a condensed thread-like structure.
  • Both contain DNA & RNA as genetic material.
  • The nucleus and nucleoid both are the centers for the replication to be initiated.
  • The final step of replication of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes ends in the cytoplasm only.

Conclusion – Difference Between Nucleus And Nucleoid

In conclusion, while both the nucleus and nucleoid carry genetic material within cells, they also show differences in structure and organization. The nucleus, characteristic of eukaryotic cells, has a well-defined double membrane whereas the nucleoid in prokaryotic cells lacks a membrane, presenting a condensed, irregular structure. Despite their differences, both play crucial roles in genetic regulation and replication.

FAQs on Difference Between Nucleus And Nucleoid

What is a Nucleoid?

An irregular shaped structure contains genetic material, found in prokaryotes.

What is a Nucleus?

Double membrane bound organelles contains genetic material, found in eukaryotes.

What are the Major Functions of a Nucleus?

The major function of the nucleus is to store genetic material and coordinate with a cellular mechanism to start replication for cell division.

What Supports the Nucleus to Maintain There Shape?

Nuclear lamina is made up of lamin protein that lines with the inner nuclear envelope of nucleus, supports the nucleus maintain there regular shape. 

Cajal Bodies Found in?

Cajal bodies are found in the nucleus, their main function is cell division (equal distribution of chromosomal DNA).

What is the Difference Between a Bacterial Nucleoid and a Eukaryotic Nucelus?

The bacterial nucleoid lacks a membrane and is irregularly shaped and contains genetic material, while the eukaryotic nucleus is enclosed by a double membrane and contains various substructures, such as the nucleolus, containing genetic material.