Difference between Null and Alternate Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a statement or an assumption that may be true or false. There are six types of hypotheses mainly the Simple hypothesis, Complex hypothesis, Directional hypothesis, Associative hypothesis, and Null hypothesis. Usually, the hypothesis is the start point of any scientific investigation, It gives the right direction to the process of investigation. It avoids the blind search and gives direction to the search. It acts as a compass in the process.

Null hypothesis suggests that there is no relationship between the two variables. Null hypothesis is also exactly the opposite of the alternative hypothesis. Null hypothesis is generally what researchers or scientists try to disprove and if the null hypothesis gets accepted then we have to make changes in our opinion i.e. we have to make changes in our original opinion or statement in order to match null hypothesis. Null hypothesis is represented as H0. If my alternative hypothesis is that 55% of boys in my town are taller than girls then my alternative hypothesis will be that 55% of boys in my town are not taller than girls. 

Alternative hypothesis is a method for reaching a conclusion and making inferences and judgements about certain facts or a statement. This is done on the basis of the data which is available. Usually, the statement which we check regarding the null hypothesis is commonly known as the alternative hypothesis. Most of the times alternative hypothesis is exactly the opposite of the null hypothesis. This is what generally researchers or scientists try to approve. Alternative hypothesis is represented as Ha or H1. If my null hypothesis is that 55% of boys in my town are not taller than girls then my alternative hypothesis will be that 55% of boys in my town are taller than girls.

Following is the difference between the null hypothesis and alternate hypothesis:


Null Hypothesis

Alternative Hypothesis

1. In the null hypothesis, there is no relationship between the two variables. In the alternative hypothesis, there is some relationship between the two variables i.e. They are dependent upon each other.
2. Generally, researchers and scientists try to reject or disprove the null hypothesis.  Generally, researchers and scientists try to accept or approve the null hypothesis
3. If the null hypothesis is accepted researchers have to make changes in their opinions and statements. If the alternative hypothesis gets accepted researchers do not have to make changes in their opinions and statements.
4. Here no effect can be observed i.e. it does not affect output.  Here effect can be observed i.e. it affects the output.
5. Here the testing process is implicit and indirect.  Here the testing process is explicit and direct.
6. This hypothesis is denoted by H0.  This hypothesis is denoted by Ha or H1.
7. It is generally used when we reject the null hypothesis. It gets accepted if we fail to reject the null hypothesis.
8. In this hypothesis, the p-value is smaller than the significance level. In this hypothesis, the p-value is greater than the significance level.