Difference between NVP and CPRR

1. N-version programming (NVP) :
In N-version programming technique, there are N groups or individual of developers that do not share the programming process and these independents develop N versions of software module. The idea behind this technique is that different individual will commit different mistakes and will cover all possibilities of fault.

2. Check-pointing and Rollback Recovery (CPRR) :
Check-pointing rollback recovery technique is different from n-version programming technique of software fault-tolerance. In this technique, system is tested each time when we perform some computation. This techniques is basically useful when there is processor failure or data corruption.

Difference between N-version programming and Check-pointing rollback recovery:

In this technique N teams or individuals works independently. While here single team or individual works.
Redundant copies are prepared in this technique. No redundant copies are available here.
In this technique, acceptance test is not carried out. Acceptance test is performed.
It is possible to achieve same fault for different version. It is not possible to have same fault in single version.
System is not tested each time after computation. While system is tested each time after computation.
A voter is used to choose between different versions. No voter is used here, already acceptance test is performed.
It is used when there is less chance of processor failure. It is useful when there is more chances of processor failure.
Chances of data corruption is less. Chances of data corruption is high.