Difference between Open-Loop Control System and Closed-Loop Control System

Control System is a system in which the behavior of the system is determined by a differential equation. It manages the devices and the systems using control loops. There are Open-Loop Control System and Closed-Loop Control System

Open-Loop Control System is used in applications in which no feedback and error handling are required. It is simple and economical but optimization is not possible. Maintenance of OPCS is easier.

Advantages of Open-Loop Control System:

Simple to design and implement.
Low cost and maintenance.
High speed of operation.
Can be used for systems that don’t require precise control.

Disadvantages of Open-Loop Control System:

Lack of accuracy and precision.
Susceptible to external disturbances and variations.
Not suitable for systems that require a high degree of accuracy and precision. 


Closed-Loop Control System is used in applications where feedback and error handling are required. It is a complex system and not economical but optimization is possible. Maintenance of CLCS is difficult. 

Advantages of Closed-Loop Control System:

High accuracy and precision.
Robust against external disturbances and variations.
Suitable for systems that require a high degree of accuracy and precision.

Disadvantages of Closed-Loop Control System:

Complex to design and implement.
High cost and maintenance.
Slower speed of operation compared to open-loop control systems


Similarities between Open-Loop Control System and Closed-Loop Control System:

  • Both types of control systems aim to achieve a specific output or goal.
  • Both types of control systems use sensors and actuators to measure and control the output.
  • Both types of control systems rely on a feedback mechanism to monitor and adjust the output.
  • Both types of control systems use mathematical models or algorithms to calculate the output.
  • Both types of control systems can be used in various applications, such as industrial control, robotics, and automation.

The following table differentiates Open-Loop Control System and Closed-Loop Control System:  

S.No. Open-Loop Control System Closed-Loop Control System
1. It easier to build. It is difficult to build.
2. It can perform better if the calibration is properly done. It can perform better because of the feedback.
3. It is more stable. It is comparatively less stable.
4. Optimization for desired output can not be performed. Optimization can be done very easily.
5. It does not consists of feedback mechanism. Feedback mechanism is present.
6. It requires less maintenance. Maintenance is difficult.
7. It is less reliable. It is more reliable.
8. It is comparatively slower. It is faster.
9. It can be easily installed and is economical. Complicated installation is required and is expensive.


Open-loop and closed-loop control systems are two main types of control systems that are used to manage and regulate the behavior of physical systems. While both types of systems have their advantages and disadvantages, closed-loop control systems are generally more stable and consistent because they have feedback. As technology continues to evolve, we are likely to see more closed-loop control systems being developed to manage and regulate a wide range of physical systems.