Difference Between Orca and Dolphin

Orcas and dolphins are the type of dolphins, which belong to the family Delphinidae. Not every dolphin, is an orca, but all orcas are dolphins.Orca” refers exclusively to the biggest species in the Delphinidae family, although “Dolphin” is more commonly used to describe the lesser members of the family. Although they belong to the dolphin family, orcas differ from other dolphin species, in a few significant manners. The distinctive characteristics of orcas within the dolphin family include variances in size, color, dorsal fin form, behavior, and preferred habitat.

Table of Content

  • What is Orca?
  • What is a Dolphin?
  • Difference Between Orca and Dolphin
  • Importance of Orca and Dolphin

Difference Between Orca and Dolphin

Dolphins are in fact a subspecies of Orcas, sometimes known as killer whales and both belong to family Delphinidae. Nonetheless, orcas and other Dolphin species differ in a few ways:




Scientific names

Orcinus orca is the scientific name for Orcas.

Dolphins are members, of the Delphinidae family, of which there are several species Delphinus delphis.


Adult orcas may grow to a maximum length of 20 to 26 feet (6 to 8 metres).

The size of dolphins, varies among species. They may be found in elevations between 4 and 30 feet (1.2 and 9 metres).


The characteristic black and white colouring of orcas is well-known. They have spots of white around their eyes and a black back and white underbelly.

Dolphins exhibit a range of encompassing tones of grey, blue, and yellow.

Dorsal fin

The dorsal fin of orcas is tall, noticeable, and triangular in shape. An Orca’s dorsal fin may grow as high as six feet (1.8 metres).

Different kinds of Dolphins, have different-sized and shaped dorsal fins. In contrast to the lofty dorsal fin of orcas, some have smaller, more bent dorsal fins.


Orcas are highly social animals that live in matrilineal family groups called pods.

Dolphins form social groupings known as pods and are also friendly animals.


From tropical oceans to frigid areas, Orcas may be found in a variety of marine habitats.

Seas, beaches, and oceans are just a few of the varied maritime habitats that Dolphins consider habitat. From shallow, warm seas to deeper, colder locations, various species may favour different kinds of environments.


A varied diet consisting of fish, seals, sea lions, and even other whales, Orcas are apex predators.

Dolphins eat a variety of foods, although fish and squid are the main ones.

Swim Speed

56 kmph

60 kmph

What is Orca?

The biggest dolphin, in the Delphinidae family, is the Orca, sometimes known as the killer whale (Orcinus orca). The orca, which is distinguished by its remarkable black-and-white coloring, has white undersides and a black back with white spots close to its eyes. The dorsal fin, which may grow to a height of 1.8 meters or 6 feet, is notably tall and triangular. Living in matrilineal families, units known as pods, Orcas are extremely intelligent and friendly sea animals.

What is a Dolphin?

Dolphins are friendly and highly intelligent marine animals, that come in a variety of varieties, and traits. They belong to the family Delphinidae, under the order Cetacea. Dolphins are diverse animals, that exhibit fun behaviour and exceptional communication abilities. They may be found in a variety of colours, such as grey, blue, and yellow, and certain species have unique designs on their body. Dolphins may be found in a variety of aquatic habitats, including oceans, seas, and coastal regions. Their sizes range from around 4 to 30 feet (1.2 to 9 metres). Depending on the species, they usually organize into social groupings called pods, with different social systems.

Importance of Orca and Dolphin

In order to maintain the health and balance of marine ecosystems, orcas, or killer whales, and dolphins are essential. Orcas and dolphins, are important because of the following:


Orcas are important because of the following reasons:

  1. Apex Predeators: Orcas occupy the highest position in the marine food chain, as apex predators. In order to prevent the overpopulation of some marine creatures, they thereby assist in controlling the numbers of prey species.
  2. Balance of Ecosystem: Orcas contribute to the balance of marine ecosystems, by managing the numbers of prey species. The quantity and distribution of different species are influenced by this equilibrium, which cascades throughout the food web.
  3. Biodiversity: The richness of the maritime environment, is enhanced by the diverse food of Orcas, which includes fish, seals, sea lions, and other whales. A robust and varied ecology, is shown by their existence.
  4. Cultural importance: Numerous indigenous groups place great cultural value on Orcas, which are also highly respected in many other civilizations worldwide. They are frequently seen as representations of toughness, wisdom, and ties to the family.


Dolphins are important because of the following reasons:

  1. Ecotourism: Through ecotourism activities like dolphin watching, dolphins, are popular subjects and bring economic advantages to coastal communities.
  2. Ocean Health Indicator: Dolphin behaviour, and presence can be used as markers of the general well-being of marine habitats.
  3. Conservation and Research: Numerous scientific studies have been conducted on Dolphins, which has improved our knowledge, of their behaviour, biology, and communication.
  4. Education: Dolphins are excellent marine, conservation advocates because of their appealing character. Their widespread appeal contributes to a greater understanding of the significance, of protecting the seas and marine life.
  5. Food Web: Dolphins have a part in managing smaller prey species’ numbers. The equilibrium of marine ecosystems, is preserved in part by their interactions, within the food web.

FAQs – Difference Between Orca and Dolphin

How are Orcas Different from Dolphins?

Orcas, the largest Dolphins, are sometimes called whales, because of their size and the name “killer whales.” Others classify them as dolphins. Both terms are correct, and it depends on the level of specificity in classification.

Which is Faster Orca or Dolphin?

Dolphins claim the title of the world’s fastest marine mammals, reaching speeds, of 60 km/h (37 mph). Surpassing their Orca cousins, who achieve speeds of only 56 km/h (45 mph), Dolphins demonstrate remarkable agility and speed in the water.

Is orca actually a Dolphin?

Orcas, or killer whales, are the largest members of the dolphin family. They belong to the sub-order of toothed whales, known as odontocetes, and are widely distributed, found in every ocean.

How long Does an Orca live?

In their natural habitat, male Orcas, have an average lifespan of 30 years, with a maximum longevity of 50-60 years, while females typically live to around 46 years, reaching a maximum age of 80-90 years.

Are Orcas Friendly to Humans?

Due to their intelligence and social behavior, orca whales are not prone to attacking humans out of aggression or hostility.