Difference between Ping and Traceroute

In computer networks, data is sent in small blocks known as packets. Each packet is transmitted individually and may also follow a different route to reach the destination. Once all these packets of the original message reach the destination, they are re-assembled to form the original message. But, sometimes, it may happen that the webserver is down, network congestion or some other technical glitch is there, that may prevent the message from reaching the destination. To diagnose such congestions and network failures, we use two common programs namely Ping and Traceroute.

Ping: It is a utility that helps one to check if a particular IP address is accessible or not. Ping works by sending a packet to the specified address and waits for a reply. It also measures round trip time and reports errors.

Ping is also used in checking if the computers on a local network are active. For this, the user has to go to the command prompt and type: ping, and if the address is active, the ping would return a message like this :

Pinging with 32 bytes of data
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32

The IP address is the address of the local host and would receive a ping reply even if the sender is not connected to the internet.

Traceroute: It is a utility that traces a packet from your computer to the host, and will also show the number of steps (hops) required to reach there, along with the time by each step. Traceroute works by sending the packets of data with a low survival time (Time to Live – TTL) which specifies how many steps (hops) can the packet survive before it is returned. When a packet can’t reach the final destination and expires at an intermediate step, that node returns the packet and identifies itself. So, by increasing the TTL gradually, Traceroute is able to identify the intermediate hosts. If any of the hops come back with  “Request timed out”, it denotes network congestion and a reason for slow-loading Web pages and dropped connections.

The main difference between Ping and Traceroute is that Ping is a quick and easy utility to tell if the specified server is reachable and how long will it take to send and receive data from the server whereas Traceroute finds the exact route taken to reach the server and time taken by each step (hop).

Difference between Ping and Traceroute

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1. Ping is a utility which is first developed by Michael Muss in 1983. It enables us to locate where the data was unable to be sent along.
2. It is used to verify whether a network data packet can reach an address without errors or not. The traceroute helps in providing a map of data on the internet from its source to its destination
3. It is used to check for network errors. It helps in the packet capture.
4. Ping is used in video games to estimate latency. A traceroute is used to troubleshoot the hop delays during video conferences.
5. The ping command sends a request over the network to a specific device that is Internet Control Message Protocol. We can perform a visual traceroute to get a visual representation of each hop.
6. A ping packet has Time-To-Live value and cannot be changed. Time-To-Live is broadcasted by traceroute until the maximum TLL or destination is reached.
7. It is available on virtually any operating system with network connectivity It works by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets
8. Ping can be used to test the quality and speed of a network connection by measuring the round-trip time (RTT) of the packets.  Traceroute can be used to identify the location and type of each router or server that data passes through on its way to the destination.
9. Ping can be used to test the connectivity between two devices within a local network or over the internet.  Traceroute can be used to analyze the performance of different network providers or routing protocols that are used to transfer data between networks.
10. Ping is often used to troubleshoot basic network connectivity issues, such as determining if a device is online or if there are any connectivity problems. Traceroute is often used to diagnose complex network problems, such as identifying routing loops, congestion, or network misconfigurations.
11. Ping sends a small number of packets to the destination and waits for a response. Traceroute sends a series of packets with gradually increasing Time-To-Live (TTL) values to map out the path of the data.