Difference between Process Contention Scope and System Contention Scope

1. Process Contention Scope :
In an operating system the thread library is schedules by an operating system known as kernel thread that is managed by a thread library for user level thread to runs off an available light weight process. This is often referred to as process contention scope.

Process contention scope is executed accordingly to the priority level that means the scheduler first selects or check the thread which have the highest priority to run.

The programmer sets the user level thread priorities that are not adjusted by the thread library. Also there are some thread libraries which will allow the programmer to change the priority of a thread.

2. System Contention Scope :
In an operating system, system contention scope is one among the two thread scheduling scheme used in the operating system. This scheme is used by the kernel to make a decision, which kernel level thread is to be schedule into the CPU, This uses system contention scope wherein all threads within the system compete for the CPU. This is often referred as system contention scope.

System using the one to one model such as windows, Linux schedules threads using only system contention scope.

Difference Between Process Contention Scope And System Contention Scope :


Process Contention Scope

System Contention Scope

1. Process contention scope is commonly known local scheduling on unbound threads. System contention scope commonly is known as global scheduling on bound threads.
2. Process contention scope use many-to-many and many-to-one model in it. System contention scope use one-to-one model in it.
3. In process contention scope, there is a competition for the usage of the CPU that takes place between threads that are equivalent to processes. In system contention scope, there is a competition for the usage of the CPU that takes place among all the threads in an operating system.
4. Process contention scope use N :1 or N : M thread model relationship.  System contention scope thread use 1 :1 thread model relationship with a kernel thread. 
5. It is mostly used in windows, Linux, and Solaris threads. It is mostly used in Linux threads.
6. Process contention scope or local contention scope is a user level thread that shares a kernel thread with other users thread within the process. System contention scope or global contention scope is a user thread which is mapped directly to one kernel thread. 
7. In process contention scope, the thread library has real control over which user level thread is to be scheduled on an light weight process.  In system contention scope, operating system provides kernel level thread, i.e. kennel decides which thread is to be scheduled into a CPU.
8. In process contention scope all the scheduling mechanism for the thread is local to the processes. In system contention scope, all the scheduling mechanism for the thread is global to the processes.
9. Process contention scope is very cheaper than system contention scope  System contention scope is very predictable because of high processing cost.
10. Process contention scope, thread shares one or more available light weight processes. System contention scope threads, shares separate light weight processes.