Difference between Python and Groovy

Python: It is general-purpose programming which supports both procedural and object-oriented programming concept. As well as it has some features of functional and reflective programming. It is a high-level programming language which is created by Guido van Rossum and first released on February 20, 1991. Nowadays Python is on general-purpose and general of the most preferred programming languages for web application development, other software development, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and much popular in many IT industries and scientific fields.

Companies that use Python: Google, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Quora and Spotify etc.

Advantages of Python :

  • Easy to learn and simple syntax
  • Free and open source language
  • Vast libraries support
  • Good IoT opportunities
  • Interpreted and Dynamically typed

Disadvantages of Python :

  • Not memory efficient
  • Weak in mobile computing
  • Difficult to access database
  • Design limitations
  • Runtime errors

Groovy: It is an object-oriented programming language which is Java-syntax-compatible as the language syntax resembles the same as the Java language. It is based on the Java platform. In the year 2003, it is developed by James Strachan and on January 2, 2007, Groovy 1.0 was released. It can be used as a scripting language for java.

Companies that use Groovy: JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Trustwave, Starbucks and Craftbase etc.

Advantages of Groovy :

  • Easy to learn
  • Easy file operations
  • Simpler and more efficient

Disadvantages of Groovy :

  • Requires Java Virtual Machine
  • Performance not so great
  • No source code formatter

Table of Difference between Python and Groovy




01. Python is a high level, general purpose programming which supports both procedural and object-oriented programming concept.  Groovy is an object-oriented programming language which is Java-syntax-compatible and Python-based the general-purpose it is used as a scripting language for java.
02. It is developed by van Rossum and the first release was on February 20, 1991.  In the year 2003, it is developed by James Strachan and on January 2, 2007, Groovy 1.0 was released.
03. Python based web application framework Django started in 2003. Groovy-based web application framework Grail started in 2005.
04. Python is called as an interpreted language. But actually, it is first compiled which is hidden from the programmer and then interpreted. Groovy is both compiled and interpreted language as groovy code is compiled to JVM byte code also which is interpreted at runtime.
05. It is more stable and diverse as compared to Groovy language. It is less diverse as compared to the Python language.
06. It is preferred for development which involves heavy computing and process tons of data. It is preferred for development application which depends on JSON like data structure as it works well with JSON.
07. Companies that use Python: Google, Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Quora, and Spotify etc. Companies that use Groovy: JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Trustwave, Starbucks and Craftbase etc.
08. Easy to learn  Object-oriented approach, the syntax is a curly bracket