Difference between rate monotonic and deadline monotonic scheduling

1. Rate Monotonic Scheduling :
Rate monotonic scheduling is a priority algorithm in which the priorities are assigned to the processes according to the cycle time, a process with the least task duration is given the priority. It is preemptive: the highest priority process will preempt the other processes. The priority of a process is inversely proportional to its cycle time.

2. Deadline Monotonic Scheduling :
Deadline monotonic scheduling is a priority algorithm in which the priorities are assigned to the processes based on their respective deadlines. A deadline is a time limit in which a task has to be completed. The process with the shortest deadline is assigned the highest priority. It is also preemptive. The priority of a process is inversely proportional to the deadline.

Difference between Rate Monotonic Scheduling and Deadline monotonic Scheduling :

Rate Monotonic Scheduling Deadline Monotonic Scheduling
In Rate monotonic Scheduling, priorities are assigned to tasks according to the shortest cycle time In Deadline monotonic Scheduling, priorities are assigned to tasks according to the shortest deadline.
Implementation of Rate monotonic scheduler is simple and can be executed using FIFO (First-in First-out) scheduling. Implementation of Deadline monotonic scheduler is complicated and is time-taking process.
The choice of priority is decided based on the computation time or active frequency. The choice of priority is decided based on which task is ready to be executed first.
Priority is inversely proportional to the cycle time. Priority is inversely proportional to the deadline (time limit).
RMA is not optimal with periodic tasks when deadline and period differ. DMA is more proficient than RMA when deadline and period differ.