Difference between Repeater and Amplifier

Both Repeater and Amplifier are an electronic devices. Repeater: Repeater is used for regenerating the signal and then transmit, if the previously transmit signal is found weak. Repeater takes high input power and provides low output power. The noise of signal can also be reduced by regenerating the signal. 
Amplifier: Amplifier is used for increases the amplitude or strength of the signal, if the previously transmit signal is found weak. It takes low input power and provides high output power. 
Difference Between Repeater and Amplifier: The main difference between repeater and amplifier is that repeater is used as a regenerate the signal and amplifier just increases the amplitude of the signal.

S.NO Repeater Amplifier
1. Repeater regenerates the signal, if the provided original signal is weak. Amplifier increases the amplitude of the signal.
2. Repeater takes high input power and provides low output power. Amplifier takes low input power and provides high output power.
3. Repeater is generally used in static(stationary) environment. Amplifier is generally used in Mobile and Remote area network.
4. Repeater regenerates the signal so that the noise can be reduced or eliminated. Amplifier increases the amplitude of the signal with the noise.
5. Repeater works on the physical layer of OSI model. Generally Amplifier is used in wireless communication.