Difference between Rootkit and Worms

1. Rootkit :
Rootkit is a set of application, a type of malware that is designed to infect a target PC and allow an attacker to install a set of tools that grant him persistent remote access to the computer. The malware typically pretended itself as normal files that “hide in plain sight” so your antivirus software overlooks them. It enables administrator-level access to a computer or computer network. The motive is to steal the identity information from your computer, often to gain control of a system. It is difficult to detect and remove, requires the specialized tools to remove.

2. Worms :
Worms is similar to virus but it does not modify the program. It replicate itself more and more to cause slow down the computer system. Worms can be controlled by remote. The main objective of worms to eat the system resources.

Difference between Rootkit and Worms :

1. Rootkit is set of malicious program that enables administrator-level access to a computer network. A Worm is a form of malware that replicates itself and can spread to different computers via Network.
2. The main objective of rootkit is to steal the identity information, often to gain control of a system. The main objective of worms to eat the system resources.
3. Detecting and removing a rootkit is a complex process and typically requires the use of specialized tools. Worms can be detected and removed by the Antivirus and firewall.
4. Rootkit is one of the type of malware. Worms is one of the type of malware.
5. It is more harmful as compared. It is less harmful as compared.
6. It give unauthorized access and control of the system to the attacker. It can give unauthorized access and control of the system to the hackers.
7. TDSS, ZeroAccess, Alureon and Necurs are some of the common rootkit. Morris Worm, Storm Worm and SQL Slammer are some of the examples of worms.