Difference between SiP and SoC

1. System in Package (SiP) :
SIP stands for System in Package. For easy integration into a system this type of technology is good. It was designed for multiple advanced packaging applications requiring a fully functional, highly specialized module. In SiP multiple integrated circuits enclosed in a single package or module.

The integrated circuits may be stacked vertically on a substrate and two or more ICs are bundled inside a single package. It performs most of the functions of an electronic system and it typically used inside smart phones, digital music player etc. It is considered as a functional package as it integrates multiple functional chips, including processors and memory, into a single package.

2. System on Chip (SoC) :
SoC stands for System on Chip. SoC is a less well defined term.It is a single chip which does everything that used to take up multiple chips. A SoC is an encapsulation of one or more of CPUs, micro-controllers, DSPs, other accelerators or supporting hardware and also more specifically it does not have a specific standard about what type of circuitry it should contain. It is intended for applications with more requirements and more complex. There might be a number of micro-controllers in a SoC.

It is more like a complete computer system on a single chip which capable to perform complex tasks which have higher resource requirement. It is sometimes abbreviated as SoC or SOC.

Difference between SiP and SoC :

S.No. SiP SoC
01. SiP refers to encapsulation of one or more of CPUs, micro-controllers, DSPs, other accelerators and multi functional chips into a single package. SoC refers to encapsulation of one or more of CPUs, micro-controllers, DSPs, other accelerators or supporting hardware into a single chip.
02. Performance benefit is more in a System in Package. Performance benefit is less in a System on Chip as compared to SiP.
03. Product volume is more than SoC. Product volume is less than SiP.
04. It includes logic, memory and possibly analog or RF functions. It includes a computer engine micro processor core, digital signal processor core or graphics core memory and logic on a single chip.
05. Performance (Clock speed) is less than that of SoC. Performance (Clock speed) is higher than that of SiP.
06. SiP takes less time to market it. SoC takes more time time to market it.
07. System design flexibility of SiP is very high. System design flexibility of SoC is very low.
08. SiP has good IP availability chances. SoC has not so good IP availability chances.
09. Passive device integration is medium. Passive device integration is small.
10. It typically used inside smart phones, digital music player etc. It typically used in mobile computing such as tablets, smartphones, smartwatches and netbooks as well as embedded systems.