Difference between SOAP and HTTP

1. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) : Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a network protocol for exchanging structured data between nodes. It uses XML format to transfer messages. It works on top of application layer protocols like HTML and SMTP for notations and transmission. SOAP allows processes to communicate throughout platforms, languages and operating systems, since protocols like HTTP are already installed on all platforms. 

2. HTTP : HTTP is an application layer protocol created by Tim Berners Lee at Cern in 1989, it is currently used for most of the data transfer on the web. It is the foundation of data communication using hypertext files on the World Wide Web. This protocol is responsible for the action that a server has to take while sending information over the network. When a URL is being entered into the browser, this protocol sends an HTTP request to the server and then an HTTP response is sent back to the browser. 

Difference between SOAP and HTTP :

1. SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
2. It is XML based used for sending and receiving messages. It is used to transfer information over the internet.
3. It supports web socket or WS-Addressing, WS-Security, SwA. It do not supports web socket or WS-Addressing, WS-Security, SwA.
4. SOAP is over HTTP. HTTP is over TCP and IP.
5. It support runtime checking against WSDL. It do not support runtime checking against WSDL.
6. It support Automatic processing of Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM). It also support MTOM, but it must use the MIME message domain and design flow should be done to handle the attachments explicitly.
7. This protocol’s design is Data centric. This protocol’s design is Document centric.
8. It is a light weight data interchange protocol. It is not light weight data transfer protocol as SOAP.