Difference Between Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux

Spring MVC

Spring MVC Framework takes on the Model-View-Controller design pattern, which moves around the Dispatcher Servlet, also called the Front Controller. With the help of annotations like @Controller and @RequestMapping, the by-default handler becomes a robust(strong) tool with a diverse set of handling ways. This kind of dynamic kind of feature allows for easy customization and efficient handling in multiple cases.

In Spring 3.0, the @Controller annotation has a feature that not only allows developers to make regular websites and apps but also certifies them to build RESTful ones as well. By using the @PathVariable annotation and other features, building RESTful websites and applications becomes very easy.

Spring WebFlux

Spring Framework was introduced along with Spring Web MVC, a Web framework that was designed for Servlet API and Servlet containers. But then, as version 5.0 was introduced, Spring surprised things up by presenting Spring WebFlux. This framework takes a different path to building web development, focusing on a reactive-stack design.

Inside Spring Framework, we’ll find couple of web frameworks called spring-webmvc and spring-webflux. It’s interesting that these two frameworks have names that are similar to their original modules. What’s even more interesting thing is that these two frameworks can operate together peacefully.

We are free to choose whether we want to use one or both frameworks. So, if it aligns with what we’re looking for, we can combine Spring MVC controllers with the reactive WebClient.

In this article, we will be learning Spring MVC vs Spring WebFlux.

Difference Between Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux


Spring MVC

Spring WebFlux

Programming structured or model

Requests are deal with in a one-by-one way, blocking further actions until each request is finished, that is called the synchronous programming model.

We can easily manage data flows and ensure efficient request handling by enabling change propagation, which is called the Reactive programming model.

Thread Model

A traditional way of Servlet-based approach is used, resulting in threads being blocked while executing I/O operations. i.e., Blocking I/O model.

Threads are not held up by I/O operations, resulting in improved resource utilization, which simply means a non-blocking or event-driven model.

Concurrency model

Depends on a huge number of threads to handle concurrent requests efficiently. that is the multiple threads concurrency model.

multiple clients can handle at the same time efficiently, by reducing unnecessary burden and boosting scalability. By utilizing a small number of threads.


Traditional web applications are good for normal web applications that needed the synchronous processing.

Perfect for applications that required scalable and efficient handling, especially for jobs like streaming or microservices, for high-concurrency Applications.


Mostly used in web applications, this standard does not offer the required help for newer protocols like HTTP/2, Which is primarily HTTP/1.1 underlying protocol.

Experience the power of new networking with specially crafted solution. today’s technology ensures efficient and real-time communication, making experience smooth and hassle-free. In short supports HTTP/2 and WebSockets.

Under load Performances

performance can be suffered when multiple threads are involved, majorly because of context switching and blocking I/O operations.

With its non-blocking approach and smart thread allocation, our system excels in handling high loads, ensuring high performance.


With a more developed ecosystem, a successful community, and well-established for best practices, it has become more mature.

With a successful ecosystem that keeps increasing, and constantly adapting to the latest developments in reactive programming, it’s always getting improve every time.

Similarities Between Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux

Although they have multiple differences, but they have many similarities,

  • Use of Spring annotation-driven configuration in both frameworks ensures a seamless and effortless setup and configuration. Annotations like @Controller, @RequestMapping i.e., similarities in Annotation-Driven Configuration.
  • Spring MVC and WebFlux both frameworks offer exceptional assistance in constructing RESTful web services. we can utilize familiar annotations and structures in both frameworks to create REST APIs easily.
  • Spring Boot is cooperative with both these frameworks, making it easy to set up and run Spring-based applications with a simplified and convention-over-configuration approach and ensures compatibility.
  • Spring MVC and WebFlux both offer comprehensive and detailed documentation, make sure we have all the information we need. however, being part of the Spring ecosystem means they help to from a strong community and support network.

FAQs on Spring MVC vs WebFlux

Q-1. What is the main purpose of Spring MVC?

If someone is looking to build web applications that stick to the (MVC)Model-View-Controller pattern, Spring MVC is the way to go. It’s perfect for creating both traditional and synchronous web applications and services.

Q-2. Does Spring MVC have the capability to handle asynchronous requests?

Spring MVC is mainly built for synchronous processing, but it does have the ability to handle asynchronous request processing. However, it’s very important to keep in mind that it may not be as efficient as a fully reactive stack like Spring WebFlux.

Q-3. Does Spring WebFlux are more challenging than Spring MVC?

Spring WebFlux, things can get a little more complicated than usual. because it utilizes the reactive programming paradigm, which requires a distinct way of thinking compared to traditional synchronous processing.

Q-4. Can WebSocket be supported by both Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux?

WebSocket is supported by both Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux, enabling bidirectional communication over a single TCP connection. However, Spring WebFlux takes a more up-to-date approach by incorporating a reactive model.