Difference between Structured Query Language (SQL) and Transact-SQL (T-SQL)

Structured Query Language (SQL): Structured Query Language (SQL) has a specific design motive for defining, accessing and changement of data. It is considered as non-procedural, In that case the important elements and its results are first specified without taking care of the how they are computed. It is implemented over the database which is driven by a database engine. The primary work of the database engine is to interpret SQL queries and find the accessing technique for getting different data structures in the database. This is also an important feature of the data engine so used to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the outcomes. Here are few groups of commands included in the SQL – DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data Manipulation Language). DDL is used for describing and modification of several data structures. While DML is intended to access and change of the data save within the data structures defined by DDL.

 Transact-SQL (T-SQL): Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is an extension of SQL. It is considered as procedural language, unlike SQL that is used by SQL server. It is helpful in doing operations like getting the data from a single row, addition of new rows, getting multiple rows. The syntax is different from others like PL-SQL. However, it has the same functionality and generates similar results as other languages. This is the Microsoft implementation of the structured query language for SQL server. 

Difference Between Structured Query Language (SQL) and Transact-SQL (T-SQL):

S.No. Comparison SQL T-SQL
1. Basic It is a Non-procedural. It is a Procedural.
2. Functions provided Data manipulation and controlling functions are provided Procedural programming functions and local variable are provided
3. Feature It is an Open language It is a Proprietary
4. Submission of Query One after another Bulk submission.
5. Special Features Several DDL, DML and other operation are provided All the features of SQL along with transaction control, error and exception handling.
6. Derived It is a base programming language. It is derived from SQL and enhanced form of SQL.
7. Development  Developed by ANSI and ISO as a standard language  Developed by Microsoft for use with SQL Server
8. Functionality  Basic functionality for managing relational databases  Includes additional features such as stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions
9. Compatibility  Compatible with most relational database management systems  Specifically designed for use with Microsoft SQL Server
10. Syntax  Standardized syntax  Syntax includes Microsoft-specific extensions and additions
11. Performance  May be slower in performance for some queries  Optimized for use with SQL Server and may perform better in some cases