Difference between System Integration Testing (SIT) and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

System Integration Testing (SIT): 
For a better understanding of what is SIT first, we must understand what is System integration. so basically as the name itself suggest system integration refers to a set of phases where various components are incorporated into a single unit, and these units go for integration testing, the group of interaction between component is referred to as integration and testing these interaction and modules interaction is known as integration testing. 

From some other point of view, the SIT (system integration testing) is considered the combination of integration testing and system testing. At this point, we know what integration testing is. Now, we need to understand what system testing is. The testing performed on the absolute integrated products to check system compliance with specified requirements on functional and non-functional elements is referred to as system testing. 

SIT is also considered a combination of integration testing and system testing. 

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): 
UAT (User Acceptance Testing) is conducted at the end of the whole testing process when the product is ready to deliver. The main aim of software development is to develop software that is capable of satisfying user needs, rather than just fulfilling the system specifications.

UAT is conducted when the product is ready to deliver it is also called as at the end of the whole testing process. UAT is used to validate whether the system is acceptable or not. 

UAT validates that:

  • The developed system fulfills the system requirement specifications
  • The system has achieved the performance as documented in the system requirement statement.
  • It could vary as defined in the contract.

So come to the table which refers to the necessary comparison:

S. No. Comparison Parameter SIT UAT
1. Basic of Testing SIT refers to the interfacing between the modules. UAT focuses on the requirements from the user’s point of view.
2. Performed By SIT is performed by Developers and tester UAT is performed by Customers and end users
3. Testing order After unit testing but before system testing At the end after system testing
4. General issues Problems like data flow, control flow, etc. Functionality issues or non-working features according to the user requirement.
5. Working Steps
  1. Integration of individual units
  2. Testing of the whole system
  3. Appropriate software is used for writing test cases that is in accordance with software requirements.
  4. This testing identifies errors such as UI errors, data flow errors, and interface errors.
  1. Create a UAT plan on the basis of requirements
  2.  The gathered requirements are used to form scenarios.
  3. Prepare test cases and test data
  4. Execution of test cases for error checking
  5. Project sent to production if no errors found
  6. Any flaws or bugs must be fixed right away in order to get the product ready for release.
6. Types
  1. Top-down Integration Approach
  2. Bottom-up Integration Approach
  1. Alpha Testing
  2. Beta Testing
7. Testing for Functionality For the system to function by the specifications, integration of the individual units done and then tested.  In UAT, the entire system is examined for compliance with the intended user’s primary functionality.
Feature  System Integration Testing (SIT)  User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Purpose  Verify the interactions between software systems or modules  Verify if the software meets the business and user requirements
Focus  Testing interfaces between various systems or modules  Testing if the software meets user needs and business objectives
Test Environment  Simulated and controlled environment  Real-world environment
Test Scenarios  Emphasis on testing the integration of various systems  Emphasis on testing the software’s usability and user experience
Test Data  Uses test data to simulate module interactions  Uses real-world scenarios and user data
Test Duration  Conducted over a longer duration  Conducted over a shorter duration
Outcome  Identifies defects and bugs in the system’s interfaces  Identifies if the software meets user needs and business goals
Testing Techniques  Black-box and White-box testing  Black-box testing
Test Execution Approach  Incremental approach, testing one module at a time  Comprehensive approach, covering all user scenarios
Tools and Technologies  Test management tools, defect tracking tools  Test management tools, defect tracking tools
Risk and Impact  Focuses on risks associated with module interactions  Focuses on risks associated with user needs and business goals