Difference between Table-driven and Cyclic Scheduling

Clock-driven scheduling is the scheduling algorithm in which the scheduling points are determined by the clock interrupts. Clock-driven scheduling is of two types:

1. Table-driven Scheduling :
In table-driven scheduling, the start timing of all tasks are precomputed and it is stored in a table at the time of configuration of the system. The table storing the timing of scheduling of all tasks is known as schedule table.

2. Cyclic Scheduling :
In cyclic scheduling, the precomputed schedule is repeated again and again. Each task in the task set is repeated identically in each cycle.

Difference between table-driven and Cyclic Scheduling:

Start time of tasks is precomputed and thus tasks are scheduled. Precomputed schedule is repeated again and again.
Each task is scheduled only once. Each task is scheduled repeatedly.
Table-driven scheduling is less used in large applications. Cyclic scheduling is quite often used in large applications.
It is not quite efficient. It is efficient than table-driven.
It sets timer whenever a task is scheduled. it sets timer only when system initiates scheduling.
It is not often used in embedded systems. it is often used in embedded systems.
In case of selection of timing frame it is more proficient. It is possible to select a large size of timing frame.