Difference between Time and Attendance Software & Employee Scheduling Software

1. Time and Attendance Software :
Time and attendance software is a basic employee time and attendance software that allows organization to know about and create basic knowledge of employee time-keeping simply through creating reports on attendance, overtime, payments, holiday leaves, etc.

2. Employee Scheduling Software :
Employee scheduling software is a complete employee scheduling software that provide features of time and attendance software as well as provide extra features also. It simple helps one to manage and administer their working hours.

Difference between Time and Attendance Software & Employee Scheduling Software :

Time and Attendance Software Employee Scheduling Software
It gives one basic employee scheduling. It provides extra functions and features for employee scheduling.
It does not provide features like schedule rotation, creating shifts, etc. It provides features like schedule rotation, creating shifts, etc.
It does not provide advanced features. It simple makes advanced scheduling automatic as well as easy.
It is simple and easy process. It is quite difficult one.
This software is used by small companies or lower scale organizations. This software is used by big companies or large scale companies.
ClockVIEW is one of Time and attendance software. ShiftView is one of Employee Scheduling Software.
It does not allow to move schedules just by dragging and dropping. It allows to move schedule by just dragging and dropping.
One cannot predict schedules for future and estimate associated cost. One can predict schedules for future and estimate associated cost so that scheduling can be managed accordingly.
One can create and plan schedule for each employee. It gives ability to automate schedule.
One cannot assign any certification to employees. One can assign certification to employees so that one can created some rules on basis of certifications.