Difference Between Ubuntu and Parrot OS Linux

Ubuntu is a Linux based Operating System and belongs to the Debian family of Linux. As it is Linux based, so it is freely available for use and is open source. It was developed by a team “Canonical” lead by Mark Shuttleworth. The term “ubuntu” is derived from an African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. The Chinese version of Ubuntu is used for running the world’s fastest supercomputer. Google’s self-driving car uses the stripped version of ubuntu.

Parrot OS is a Linux based open source Operating System which is freely available for use. It belongs to the Debian family of Linux. It was developed by a team lead by Lorenzo Faletra. It was first released in March 2013. Parrot comes packed with 100+ of penetration testing, security research, digital forensics, reverse engineering, and ethical hacking tools. It is a lightweight OS as compared to other Linux distributions.

Difference between Ubuntu and Parrot Linux

S.NO. Ubuntu Parrot OS
1. Developed by canonical. Developed by a team of Lorenzo Faletra.
2. ubuntu was initially released on 20 October 2004. Parrot was initially released on 10 April 2013.
3. Ubuntu is used for daily use or on server. Parrot is used by security researchers or ethical hackers for security purposes
4. Latest Ubuntu consists of the Gnome environment by default, though it allows you to change the same. Latest Parrot consists of the KDE or MATE environment by default, though it allows you to change the same.
6. Ubuntu doesn’t comes packed with hacking and penetration testing tools. Parrot comes packed with hacking and penetration testing tools.
7. comes with a user friendly Interface comes with a less user friendly Interface as compared to ubuntu.
8. Ubuntu is a good option for beginners to Linux. Parrot Linux is a good option for those who are intermediate in Linux.