Difference Between Cold Blooded And Warm-Blooded Animals

All humans, land mammals, aquatic animals, and birds have different physical characteristics that distinguish them depending on whether they are warm-blooded or cold-blooded animals. Warm-blooded animals are able to regulate their internal temperature according to the external temperature. On the other hand, cold-blooded animals cannot do this, which is why cold-blooded animals cannot survive extreme temperatures. Fish and reptiles are common examples of cold-blooded animals, while mammals are warm-blooded.

Cold-Blooded Animals

Animals are unable to regulate their core body temperature in response to changing environments. They often struggle to survive extreme temperature conditions. Examples include reptiles and fish. This applies to all living things except mammals and birds, including earthworms, fish, amphibians and reptiles. The term “cold-blooded animal” refers to an animal whose body temperature is approximately the same as that of its surroundings.
A fish swimming in 40°F water has a body temperature very close to 40°F. In water at a temperature of 60°F, the body temperature of the same fish is around 60°F.
Cold-blooded animals cannot heat themselves, so they must move their bodies to maintain their body temperature. Cold-blooded animals become less active when temperatures drop. When it’s too cold, an insect’s wing muscles can’t move fast enough to fly.
Some moths vibrate their wing muscles when they shake, and the contracting muscles generate enough heat to take off.

Reptiles, insects, fish, amphibians, etc.

Warm-Blooded Animals

Animals that are capable of regulating and maintaining a constant core body temperature are known as warm-blooded animals. Warm-blooded animals can adapt to the harsh conditions of any environment, maintain a constant core body temperature, and survive in any temperature range. Even in winter, warm-blooded animals can be as active as in summer, but they need plenty of food to keep warm. When the cold comes in winter, the body temperature of the birds is very high and it is difficult to get enough food. Examples include birds and mammals, including humans.
The skin allows heat to escape from the body. In cold weather, layers of clothing can help people stay warm. Other mammals must rely on a layer of fat or fur to maintain their body temperature and protect themselves from the cold. Mammals with large ears and long tails are not found in very cold regions. To replace the heat lost on this huge area would require a lot of extra food, which is hard to come by.

Birds and mammals

Differences Between Cold-Blooded And Warm-Blooded Animals



They can maintain a constant temperature They cannot maintain a constant temperature
They obtain energy from the surrounding environment. They obtain energy from food consumption
Their body temperatures varies with surrounding Their body temperature lie between 35 to 40 celsius
They changes their rate of metabolism with change in the environment Environmental change does not affect their metabolism
They cannot withstand extreme temperatures They can maintain a constant body temperature.
Examples:- Reptiles, insects, fish, amphibians, etc Example- Birds and mammals

Similarities Between Warm-Blooded and Cold-Blooded Animals

There are not many notable between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals but Rodents possess characteristics of both warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals. As they can adjust their body temperature to match the surrounding air just like cold-blooded animals, such species are also referred to as heterotrophs. 


Cold-blooded animals are animals that cannot generate their own body temperature and must rely on the environment to regulate their body temperature. Warm-blooded animals are animals that can generate their own body temperature and do not need to depend on the environment to regulate body temperature.


Q1. Can cold-blooded animals survive any temperature?

Ans: Cold-blooded animals can be defined as animals that cannot regulate their internal temperature in response to changes in their environment. They cannot survive extreme temperature conditions.

Q2. How do cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals adapt to their environment?

Ans: They easily generate heat in the body. Cold-blooded animals cannot survive extreme temperatures and conditions. Warm-blooded animals quickly adapt to any environmental conditions and temperatures. They mainly depend on direct sunlight and the warmth of their environment.

Q3. Why do animals evolve to become warm-blooded?

Ans: This allows for a more constant body temperature in the face of fluctuations in the outside temperature. It requires more energy, but it allows the animal to move around at night and in the cold, which cold-blooded animals cannot.

Q4. What is another name for a warm-blooded animal?

Ans: Endothermic animals are so-called warm-blooded animals, i.e. animals that maintain a constant body temperature regardless of their environment. Endotherms primarily include birds and mammals; however, some fish are also endothermic.

Q5. Why do warm-blooded animals need more energy?

Ans: Warm-blooded animals need more energy to maintain their body temperature than cold-blooded animals.