Difference Between Watts And Volts

Unit of measurement for electrical potential difference or voltage Watts and volts are the two different units of measurement that are commonly used in physics in the electricity field. Watts and Volts both are necessary for understanding the working of electric circuits and electric devices. Watts is the unit of power, while volts are the unit of electrical potential difference between two places in the circuit. Watt helps in understanding the quantity of energy being generated or consumed whereas volt helps in understanding the difference in the electrical potential of two places. 

What is Watt?

Watts is a measurement unit used in an electrical system to measure power. It represents the rate at which energy is transferred or consumed per second. It is named to honor James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. Watts is an important concept for managing, designing, and troubleshooting of the electrical system. By understanding the amount of power consumed by an electrical system, we can determine its efficiency and its impact on the environment.

Watt is also important to determine the cost of energy consumed by a machine. Electricity companies charged customers based on the number of kilowatt-hours(kWh) of energy consumed. One kilowatt-hour is equal to 1000 watts used for one hour.

Watts Formula:

Watts = Volts x Amperes


This formula also known as Power law and can be derived by Ohm’s Law.
Volts are the measure of the electrical potential difference between two places in electrical circuit.
Amperes measure the flow to electric charge through a circuit.

Example: A 60W light bulb consumes 60 watts of power, which is equivalent to 120 volts multiplied by 0.5 amperes. Conversely, a device that consumes or produces more watts will require more voltage or amperes to function properly.

What is Volt?

Volts is a measurement unit used in an electrical system to measure electrical potential difference or voltage between two points in an electrical circuit. It is named to honor Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, who invented the first electrical battery. Volts are measured using a device called a voltmeter, which is connected to the circuit and reads the voltage between two points. The unit of measurement for volts is the volt, which is denoted as “V”.

In simple terms, volts are a way of measuring how much electrical force is pushing electric charges through a circuit. Think of it like water flowing through a tube– the voltage is like the pressure that pushes the water through the tube. In an electrical circuit, the voltage is what makes the electric current flow.

Volts Formula:

Volts = Amperes x Resistance 

This formula knows as Ohm’s Law.

Example: A current of 2 amperes (A) flowing through it and a resistor with a resistance of 5 ohms (Ω). We want to calculate the voltage (V) across the resistor.

Solution: Using Ohm’s law, we can rearrange the formula V = IR to solve for V, which gives:

V = IR

Substituting the given values, we get:

V = 2A x 5Ω
V = 10V

Differences Between Volts and Watts




Definition              Unit of measurement for electrical potential difference or voltage          Unit of measurement for power
Formula  V = IR (Ohm’s law)  P = VI
Symbol  V  W
SI unit  Volt Watt
Represents An electrical force that pushes charges through a circuit  Amount of energy transferred per unit time
Calculation  Multiplication of current (in amperes) and resistance (in ohms)  Multiplication of voltage (in volts) and current (in amperes)
Usage Describes voltage level in a circuit Describes power consumption or production in a device or system      
Example A 9V battery A 60W light bulb


Volts and Watts are both units of measurement used in the field of electrical circuits and devices, but they measure different quantities. Volts measure electrical potential difference or voltage, which is the force that pushes charges through a circuit. On the other hand, Watts measures power/consumption of power, which is the amount of energy transferred per unit of time. While volts describe the voltage level in a circuit, watts describe the power consumption or production in a device or system.


Q1. What is the relationship between volts and watts?

Ans: Volts and watts are related through the power formula, P = VI. This formula shows that power (in watts) is equal to the product of voltage (in volts) and current (in amperes) in an electrical circuit.

Q2. What is the difference between volts and amps?

Ans: Volts represent the electrical potential difference or voltage, while amps represent the electrical current flowing through a circuit. Volts are the force that pushes charges through a circuit, while amps are the rate at which charges flow through the circuit.

Q3. What is the unit of measurement for electrical power?

Ans: The unit of measurement for electrical power is the watt (W), named after Scottish inventor James Watt. It represents the rate at which energy is transferred or consumed per unit of time.

Q4. How can I convert watts to volts?

Ans: You cannot convert watts to volts directly, as they represent different concepts. However, you can use the power formula, P = VI, to calculate the voltage (in volts) given the power (in watts) and current (in amperes) in an electrical circuit.

Q5. What is the unit of measurement for the electrical potential difference?

Ans: The unit of measurement for the electrical potential difference is the volt (V), named after Italian physicist Alessandro Volta. It represents the amount of electrical potential energy per unit charge.