Web Design vs. Graphic Design | What’s the Difference?

In Digital Design, the Graphic Designers are those designers that create social media designs, infographics, logos, marketing campaign materials, etc. While Web Designers create website designs, responsive designs, mobile only UIs, etc. There are many things in common between Web Design and Graphic Design, however, these two are not exactly the same. Web design refers to the layout and structure of the website, while graphic design encompasses all of the visual elements of the website. In this article, we will discuss the differences between web design and graphic design.

Web Design vs. Graphic Design

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is the process of creating visuals such as logos, marketing materials such as fliers and brochures, social media images/headers, and other print media to convey a brand message. Graphic designing applies to almost everything from the road sign to the technical field. It helps to communicate messages with an audience through creating visual content. It also helps brands to connect with their target audience. Graphic Designers are hired or consulted by a brand to increase their reach or market their new campaigns via attractive image materials.

Types of Graphic Design:

  • Brand Identity Design
  • Marketing & Advertising Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Product Design
  • Publication Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Typeface Design
  • Motion Graphic Design
  • Illustration Design

What is Web Design?

Web design is the process of creating a website that can be viewed on a computer or mobile device. Like graphic design, Web Design involves creating graphics, typography, and images, but uses the internet as the communication channel. Web designers must be able to turn their designs into a working module, so they need to be knowledgeable on some of the technical aspects. Web Design concentrates on the User Experience. Web designers are known for having insightful and dynamic thinking. Web Designers helps a Brand to build their website, Make their website Responsive or adaptive. They help to increase the traffic on the Brand’s Website and decrease Bounce rate.

Types of Web Design:

  • Adaptive Website Design
  • Responsive Website Design
  • Adaptive Website Design
  • Responsive Website Design
  • E-commerce Website Design

Key Differences Between Graphic Design and Web Design

Graphic Design

Web Design


Graphic Design is all about the visuals. and appearance.

Web Design is focused on the user experience.


Graphic Design sets the foundation of any project.

Web design supports the foundation of that project.


Graphic design focuses on visually communicating specific messages or ideas through typography, images, colours, and illustrations.

Web design aims to create functional and user-friendly websites that provide an optimal user experience.


Graphic Design focuses on how things look.

Web Design consider search engine optimization when constructing websites.

Material Media

The output can be in different materials like Cloth, Paper etc.

The output can only be seen in screens.


Graphic design involves static compositions.

Web design includes designing interactive elements within websites or web applications

Layout Considerations

Graphic designers may use grids or templates but do not typically design for dynamic layouts

Web designers need to consider factors like screen resolutions, responsiveness across devices, and user flow when designing layouts.

Technical Skills

Graphic designers do not necessarily need coding knowledge

Web designers require knowledge of HTML, CSS, and other web development languages to create functional and responsive designs.


Web design and graphic design are closely related, but they are not the same. Both skillsets are equally important in creating an engaging web presence that communicates the right message about brand. Depending on the needs as a business, it is important to know how these two types of design differ in order to understand the client’s need and expectation. Both Graphic Design and Web Design collaborate closely to create convincing and user-friendly online experiences.