Difference between Zoom, Google Meet and Cisco Webex

Zoom, Google Meet and Cisco Webex are all video conferencing platforms. Zoom was developed by Zoom Video Communications Inc., Google Meet was developed by Google LLC and Cisco Webex was developed by the Cisco Webex company. All these have varying needs and features. Zoom allows the facility of using its features using a browser also without the need to download the application, the app download is mandatory in case of the other two software. Zoom allows face touch up facility as well which is not present in the other two competing software. Google Meet allows the maximum on-screen chatting time with respect to the others. It has over 60 minute long conferences whereas the time cap of others is only 40 minutes. Zoom has the highest, that is, 49 people that can be viewed on the screen at once.

Difference between Zoom, Google Meet and Cisco Webex :

S.No. Zoom Google Meet Cisco Webex
1. It is accessible from website. App download is not mandatory. It is necessary to download app. It is necessary to download app.
2. It has appearance touch up feature. It does not have appearance touch up feature. It does not have appearance touch up feature.
3. It has audio, video and chat functionality. It has availability of phone, video call and chat facility. It has video call, phone calls and chatting functionality.
4. It can be accessed on Desktop, PC, Android and Apple devices. Desktop version or app on Android or iOS devices is available. It can be accessed on PC and mobile.
5. It has a virtual background that is customizable. It does not have background customization feature. It has the facility to blur or replace the chat background.
6. It is possible to allow privacy to the room, using the virtual background facility. It does not have privacy in case of work from home or non-office environment. It has no background customization feature to add a layer of privacy.
7. It has a limit of 100 participants. It has a limit of 250 participants. It has a limit of 1 lakh participants.
8. It supports 40 minutes of video call session. It supports 60 minutes of video call session. It supports 40 minutes of video call session.
9. It has paid versions starting from $14.99 monthly. It has paid versions starting from $6 monthly. It has paid versions starting from $13.50 monthly.
10. Screen supports 49 people at once. Screen supports 16 people at once. Screen supports only 1 person at once. The remaining people can be seen as thumbnails.
11. It is integrated with email and calendar. It is integrated with G Suite, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google notes as well as Google Sheets. It can be integrated with Google Drive, Google Tasks and similar applications to enhance its performance and productivity.
12. It came into existence in 2013. It came into existence in 2017 It came into existence in 2007.
13. It focuses at all aspects of society. It aims at people having Google accounts. Its main focus is enterprises.
14. Microsoft Documents collaboration is not available. Collaboration in terms of MS Office is not available. Collaboration in terms of MS Office is not available.
15. Direct schedule from Gmail inbox is not supported. Direct schedule from Gmail inbox is possible. Direct schedule from Gmail inbox is not supported.
16. It does not support any noise cancellation feature. It supports noise filtering. It does not support any noise cancellation feature.
17. It was developed by Zoom Video Communications Inc. It was developed by Google LLC. It was developed by Cisco Webex company.