Differences between 8085 and 8086 microprocessor

8085 Microprocessor

8085 Microprocessor is a predecessor of version 8086 Microprocessor, designed by Intel in 1976 with the help of NMOS technology. It includes a data bus of 8 bits, and 16 bits of the address bus, having a +5V voltage supply, and operates at 3.2 MHz single segment CLK.

It has an internal clock generator and functions on a clock cycle having a duty cycle of 50%. 246 total operational codes and 80 instructions are present in the 8085 Microprocessor.

8086 Microprocessor

8086 Microprocessor is an advanced version of the 8085 Microprocessor, designed by Intel in 1976. The number 8086 denotes the IC number of this microprocessor. It is a 16-bit microprocessor. It has 16 bits of the data bus, which is why it can read or write either 16 bits or 8 bits of data at a time. It has 20 bits of address lines that can access 220 address locations.

It works in 2 modes-

  • Maximum mode
  • Minimum mode

It can only perform fixed-point arithmetic instructions and not floating-point operations.

In the changing world of technologies, the devices used are also changing. Let us take a look at the changes between the 8085 series of microprocessors and the 8086 series of microprocessors.

8085 microprocessor 8086 microprocessor
The data bus is 8 bits. The data bus is 16 bits.
The address bus is 16 bits. The address bus is 20 bits.
The memory capacity is 64 KB. Also, 8085 Can Perform Operation Up to 28 i.e. 256 numbers. A number greater than this is to be taken multiple times in an 8-bit data bus. The memory capacity is 1 MB. Also, 8086 Can Perform operations up to 216 i.e. 65,536 numbers.
The input/output port addresses are 8 bits. The input/output port addresses are 16 bits.
The operating frequency is 3.2 MHz. The operating frequency is 5 MHz, 8 MHz, and 10 MHz.
8085 MP has a Single Mode Of Operation. 8086 MP has Two Modes Of Operation. 1. Minimum Mode = Single CPU PROCESSOR 2. Maximum Mode = Multiple CPU PROCESSOR.
It does not have multiplication and division instructions. It has multiplication and division instructions.
It does not support pipelining. It supports pipe-lining as it has two independent units Execution Unit (EU) and Bus Interface Unit (BIU).
It does not support an instruction queue. It supports an instruction queue.
Memory space is not segmented. Memory space is segmented.
It consists of 5 flags(Sign Flag, Zero Flag, Auxiliary Carry Flag, Parity Flag, and Carry Flag). It consists of 9 flags(Overflow Flag, Direction Flag, Interrupt Flag, Trap Flag, Sign Flag, Zero Flag, Auxiliary Carry Flag, Parity Flag, and Carry Flag).
It is a low-cost Microprocessor It is a comparatively High-cost Microprocessor.
There are 5 Addressing Modes. There are 11 addressing modes.
There is no concurrency in Fetching, Decoding, and execution. There is Concurrency in Fetching, Decoding, and Execution because of the instruction queue.
It has almost 6500 transistors. It has almost 29000 transistors.
It is Accumulator based Microprocessor because Accumulator contains major activity in ALU Operations in store and updating calculations. It is General Purpose Registers(GPR) based microprocessor because there is no specific Accumulator attached to the input of ALU. all GPRs are connected with it via Bus.
Integer, Decimal, and Hexadecimal arithmetic is supported It also supports ASCII Arithmetic over Integer, Decimal, and Hexadecimal.
It needed less external hardware. It needed more external hardware. Because here more than 1 processor works and an additional external processor can also be employed as per requirements.
It runs over 50% duty cycle. That means for one instruction cycle clock pulse held high for 50% of the pulse. It runs over a 33% duty cycle. That means for one instruction cycle clock pulse held high for 33% of the pulse.
In the 8085 Microprocessor for immediate addressing modes there are instructions containing “I” in it. e.g. MVI, LXI, etc. In the 8086 Microprocessor for immediate addressing modes there is no instruction containing “I” in it. In other words, there is no MVI instruction in 8086 for moving/transferring data. Only MOV instruction is sufficient.

In 8085 microprocessor ADD, SUB instructions were carried out in Accumulator by default. It used only 1 register for arithmetic operations because another register is fixed and is an accumulator.

Example: ADD C  will do [A]<- [A] + [C]

In the 8086 microprocessor, we can give the source and destination register and according to that addition or any arithmetic operations will be performed.

For Example: ADD AX, BX  will do [AX] <- [AX] + [BX]

The 8085 microprocessor operates at 5 volts. The 8086 microprocessor operates at 5 or 3.3 volts.
Less powerful and faster than 8086 microprocessor The 8086 microprocessor is faster and more powerful than the 8085 microprocessor.
The 8085 microprocessor handles interrupts using a software-based approach. The 8086 microprocessor uses a hardware-based approach.