Differences Between Horsepower and Torque

Horsepower (hp) is a unit of estimation of force, or the rate at which work is done, for the most part regarding the result of motors or engines. There is a wide range of principles and kinds of drive. Two normal definitions utilized today are the mechanical pull (or majestic drive), which is around 745.7 watts and the metric torque, which is roughly 735.5 watts.

Pull at the result shaft of a motor, turbine, or engine is named brake strength or shaft drive, contingent upon what sort of instrument is utilized to quantify it. Horsepower of responding motors, especially in the bigger sizes, is frequently communicated as shown pull, not entirely settled from the strain in the chambers. Brake or shaft hp is not exactly demonstrated driven by how much power is lost to erosion inside the actual motor, which might add up to 10 percent or a greater amount of the showed strength. Electric engine pull is not entirely settled from the electrical contribution to watts, taking into consideration hotness and grinding misfortunes in the actual engine. Push drive of fly motors and rockets is equivalent to the push-in pounds-force times the speed of the vehicle in miles each hour partitioned by 375 (which is equivalent to one strength estimated in mile-pounds each hour).

1HP = 746W s OR 0.746 KW

Example: A lift can carry a maximum load of 1900 kg (total load i.e lift weight + load) moving up with a constant speed of 3 ms. The frictional force opposing the motion is 4100 N. Now determine the horsepower.


Downward force of lift  F =  mg + Frictional force = (1900 x 10) + 4100 = 23100 N

P  = F.v = 23100 x 3 = 69300 W = 69300/746 hp = 92.895 hp 


Torque is a proportion of the power that can make an item turn about a pivot. Similarly, as power makes an item speed up in straight kinematics, force makes an article obtain a rakish speed increase. It is denoted by “τ” torque is a vector amount. The course of the force vector relies upon the heading of the power on the pivot. 

Any individual who has at any point opened an entryway has a natural comprehension of force. Whenever an individual opens an entryway, they push on the entryway farthest from the pivots. Pushing as an afterthought nearest to the pivots requires extensively more power. 

τ = r x F or τ = F x r x sin θ


F is the force
r is the distance between the pivot and the point at which force applied
θ is angle between F and r

The unit of torque is Newton-meter (Nm)

Example: An object is moved 5m with an angle of 30° and the force exerted on it is 6N to find the torque.


Given r = 5m , F = 6N , θ = 30°

τ = F x r x sin θ = 6 x 5 x 0.5 = 15 Nm

Following is a table of Differences between Horsepower and Torque:

Sr. No.



1. Horsepower (hp) is a unit of estimation of force or the rate at which work is done Torque is a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis
2. Its unit is Watt (W) The SI unit of torque is newton- meter (N-m)
3. It is a scalar quantity It is a vector quantity
4. Here it refers to how faster the work is done The thing that matters is force is accomplishing the work
5. Horsepower is given by 1hp = 746Watt Torque is given by using  τ =Frsin θ
6. It mainly determines the rate of acceleration after the initial stages of the work It is the main force that is very important or used at the initial stages
7. Horsepower is measured using a Dynamometer Torque is measured using a torque sensor or a torque meter
8. Quick change of acceleration is its main advantage The main advantage is it gives smoothness and reliability to the work