Differences between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk

Magnetic Tapes and Magnetic Disks are the types of magnetic memory. Both are called non-volatile storage and used to store data. 
Magnetic tape contains thin plastic ribbon is used for storing data. It is a sequential access memory. So the data read/write speed is slower. It is mainly used for data backups. 

Magnetic Disk contains circular disk made of metal or plastic. Both sides of the disk are usually used for storing data. The disk is coated with magnetic oxide. The disk is divided into multiple concentric circles known as tracks and tracks are divided into sectors in which data are stored. 

Let’s see the difference between Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk:  

S. No. Magnetic Tape Magnetic Disk
1. Plastic ribbon serves as the primary component of magnetic tape memory. The metal or plastic circular disk having coating of magnetic oxide serves as the key component of Magnetic disk memory.
2. The cost of magnetic tape is less. The cost of magnetic disk is high.
3. Reliability of magnetic tape is less. Reliability of magnetic disk is more.
4. Access time for magnetic tape is more. Access time for magnetic disk is less.
5. Data transfer rate for magnetic tape is comparatively less. Data transfer rate for magnetic disk is more.
6. Magnetic tape is used for backups. Magnetic disk is used as a secondary storage.
7. In magnetic tape data accessing rate is slow. In magnetic disk data accessing rate is high or fast.
8. In magnetic tape data can’t be updated after fed-up of data. In magnetic disk data can be updated.
9. Magnetic tape is more portable. Magnetic disk is less portable.
10. Magnetic tape contains reels of tape which is in form of strip of plastic. Magnetic disk contains round platters which is made up of plastic or metal.
11. 1 track is kept for parity check in magnetic tapes so it is not used for storing data. In magnetic disk, the topmost surface of top plate and bottommost surface of last plate in a platter are not used for storing data as scratching issue can be there for both surfaces.
12. In magnetic tape for data recording, magnetic material is coated on only one side of the tape. While in magnetic disk for data recording, magnetic material is coated on both side of the platters.
13. Tape drives are used for reading and writing of data from magnetic tapes. Disk drives are used for reading and writing of data from hard disks.
14. The storage components of magnetic tapes, are in contact with external devices in tape drives. Magnetic discs are not touched by any external devices
15. Hold less data as compared to magnetic disk. Capacity to hold more data per unit volume. But these need to be kept in a  vacuum in order to reduce air friction. 
16. Storing of data takes place in the form of records in magnetic tapes that are further organized in blocks. Storing of data takes place in the form of files, folders or directories on the disk.