Different Defect States available in Defect Life Cycle

Defect life cycle, also known as Bug life cycle, is a life cycle of various stages through which a defect or bug simply passes or went right from the moment it is identified by software testers to point till when tester declares that particular defect has been resolved completely and it would never reproduce again. Different Defect States : Defect life cycle basically consists of various stages or states through which defect is been resolved, tests defect, and follow process until defect is not resolved. These stages are given below :

  1. New : Whenever a defect is identified and posted by tester for first time, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘New’.
  2. Open : Testing team then reviews the defect and ensure that whether or not defect identified is valid. If defect is valid then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Open’.
  3. Assigned : The defect is then further assigned by test lead to development team. Then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Assigned’. Now, it’s responsibility of developers to analyze defects and resolve it.
    • Duplicate – If developers during analysis found that defect is posted more than once, or defects reports of both defects have similar results and steps to reproduce, or it corresponds to same concept of defect, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Duplicate’.
    • Rejected – If developers during analysis found that defect is not genuine or valid or authenticate, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Rejected’.
    • Deferred/Postponed – If developers during analysis found that defect is not very harmful to system and is not a prime priority and it can be fixed in next release, then is automatically assigned a status as ‘Deferred’.
    • Not reproducible – If developers during analysis found that defect is not reproducing by steps that are already mentioned in ‘steps to reproduce’ defect in defect report by test lead, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Non-reproducible’.
  4. Fixed : When developers’ completes the analysis process and found that defect is valid and is needed to be fixed immediately, then developers make changes required to resolve defect. After making changes, developers further verify changes. If no other changes are required to diffuse defect, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Fixed’.
  5. Verified : Developers then further pass defect to testing team to verify again, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Retest’ i.e. ‘to be verified’. Testers here check whether or not defect is fixed by developer.
    • Reopened – While retesting or verification, if tester found that defect is not fixed completely and it can be reproduced again or it is not fixed correctly, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Re-opened’. In this, defect is further re-opened.
  6. Closed : If testing team founds that defect no longer exists and does not found any traces of defect being able to reproduce again, then it is automatically assigned a status as ‘Closed’.