Different Types of Websites

A website is a collection of interlinked web pages with a common domain name. The website can be made by any individual, group, or company. All the websites together constitute the world wide web. The website can be of several types, like an e-commerce website, social media website, or a blog website, and every website has a different role, but one thing is common that every website has several linked web pages.

You can create a random website where on the first page you can add a picture of your favorite dish and link that page to another web page where you can add or write about yourself. Initially, the structure of a web page was made using  HTML, a hypertext markup language. The domain name categorizes the types of websites: commercial websites used .com extension and non-profit organization used .org extension.  

Types of Websites

There are so many types of websites available and we cannot discuss each type, so there we discuss some basic websites in detail: 

Personal Website

These websites are used for sharing your personal information. Also, you can share your philosophical thoughts and showcase your work. Many people use personal websites to brand themselves.

Photo Sharing Website

This type of website enables you to store your photographs online and share them with your family and friends. Here you can upload as much as you want, also manage it as well as share it (private or public).


A blog is a website where people share information, ideas, and views. It is a place where you can express your vision and your thoughts to the world. Earlier, blogs were used as a journal, but now they are becoming one of the important mass communication tools where people get to know about new things. WordPress and Google blogger are famous blogging sites where you can write articles. Blogs include a travel blog, news blog, cooking blog, etc.

Informational website

The term itself gives us the idea. This website provides information on various topics. We very often get confused about many things and searching for them in a book is very time-taking. These websites save our lives, as we get information about everything. For example, Wikipedia is an information website where you can get information about everything related to history, geography, science and technology, cinema, famous people, etc.

E-commerce website

This website is a place for online shopping where a person can buy or sell a product. Amazon, Flipkart, and Olx are some of the examples of an E-commerce website. E-commerce has a lot of potentials to grow as nowadays, people tend to shop online because of their hectic life. 

Social Media website 

This is the most popular website where people can connect with each other. Social media websites enable the user to share their personal information, pictures, video ideas, and opinion in real-time. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are some examples of social media websites.

Educational Websites

Education websites include websites of colleges and schools and tuitions. The new normal has changed the structure of educational institutions. Nowadays, people are learning through online classes and the demands of educational websites also grow. As people want to learn more than their college and schools. So there are platforms like Coursera, w3wiki where people are learning more than their college and school.

Portfolio Websites

These websites are used to showcase your best work to a professional. It is a more personal website where creative people add their creativity to showcase their industry. A portfolio website is a majorly creative one. For example, I am a writer and I want a job in digital content writing. Then I can make a portfolio website where I can showcase my different type of writing style on the website.

Non-Profit Websites

We all know marketing is the essence of the business and, more importantly, it is a public presence. Likewise, non-profit organizations to need attention from the public and thus, websites come into the picture. These days, every NGO has its own website. They use them to inform their audience, raising funds, and also informing about themselves what they are doing. For example, GateFoundation.org is a non-profit website.

Magazine and News Websites

Many people got confused with a blog website and news websites. Basically, a news website focused on journalism rather than personal interests. These days every media house has a digital presence on the internet. News and magazine websites monetize through advertisement and subscription models. For example, The Times of India have their own website called timesofindia.indiatimes.com where you can read news online.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What do you mean by website?


The website is a collection of interlinked web pages, with a common domain name. The website can be made by any individual, group, or company. All the websites together constitute the world wide web.

Question 2: What is the worldwide web? When it was discovered?


Timothy Berners-Lee has invented the world wide web in the year 1989. Basically, the world wide web is an interconnected system of all public web pages which can be enabled through an internet connection.

Question 3: What are the languages need for Web development?


For developing a website, a developer should know many languages, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript etc. But, initially, a developer needs to command over HTML, which is the basic requirement to develop a website.

Question 4: What is an e-commerce website? Give an example of it.


The E-commerce website is a place for online shopping where a person can buy or sell a product. Amazon, Flipkart and Olx are some of the examples of an E-commerce website. 

Question 5: Write any 4 types of websites with examples.


There are many websites present on the internet. Let’s discuss some of them:

The blog is a website where people share information, their ideas and views. It is a place where you can express your vision and your thoughts to the world. Earlier, Blogs were used as a journal, but now they are becoming one of the important mass communication tools where people get to know about new things. WordPress and Google blogger are one of the famous blogging sites where you can write articles.

The informational website provides information on various topics. For example, Wikipedia is an information website where you can get information about everything.

Social media websites are the most popular websites that enable the user to share their personal information, pictures, video opinions and opinion in real-time. Facebook and Twitter are examples of social media websites.

Educational websites include websites of colleges and schools and institutions. The new normal has changed the structure of educational institutions. Nowadays, people are learning through online classes and the demands of educational websites are also growing. As people want to learn more than their college and schools. So there are platforms like Coursera, w3wiki where people are learning more than their college and school.