Digital Visual Interface (DVI)

Digital Visual Interface is a interface which is used to transmit video signals whether analogue or digital. We also use VGA and HDMI to send video signals. DVI is only used to transmit video signals and not audio signals in your monitor. They have extraordinary component of improving the photo or visual quality of any electronic device. It is usually associated with the devices like LCD, projectors and TV. These cables give clear and quality pictures which obviously is a good user experience.

Types of Digital Video Interface :
These are explained as following below.

  1. DVi-A –
    It is the older version of DVI, which is used by very less people nowadays. Here, A stands for Analogue signal. Full name of DVi-A is Digital Visual Interface- Analogue. It means that it can only transmit analogue signals and not digital signals in the monitor. It’s maximum resolution is 1920 * 1080.

    Identification of DVi-A is that it has one bar on the right corner with 2 pins above it and 2 pins below it and has extra 12 pins available with it.

  2. DVi-D –
    DVi-D stands for Digital Visual Interface- Digital. It is very common and used by majority of people. It transmits video signals which are digital and not analogue signals. We cannot connect DVi-A and DVi-D with each other because DVi-A reads analogue signals and DVi-D reads digital signals. So, because of the difference in its formats we cannot use these both together.

    Further, it has 2 types- Single Link and Dual Link.

    Single link has a bar and has 2 blocks on its side which has 9 pins each. Maximum resolution given by DVi-D(Single Link) is 1920 * 1080. Dual Link has also has a bar and have a 3 rows with each row having 8 pins. Maximum resolution given by Dual Link is 2048 * 1536.

    It is very much common port these days. The single link can transmit one signal to the monitor and Dual link can transmit 2 signals to the monitor that is why Dual link supports maximum resolution in comparison to single link.

  3. DVi-i –
    DVi-i can transmit both video signals whether it is analogue or digital. As it supports both the signals, one can connect this with DVi-A or DVi-D also. It also has 2 further types-Single Link and Dual Link.

    Single link has a bar with 2 pins above it and 2 pins below it. With bar, it has 2 blocks with 9 pins each. Maximum Resolution supported by this is 1600 * 1200. Dual Link has a bar with 2 pins above it and 2 pins below it. It also has 3 rows with 8 pins in each row. Maximum Resolution supported by Dual Link is 2048 * 1536.