Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

In terms of supporting individual dignity and freedom, democracy far outperforms any other form of government. Individuals frequently clash because some believe they are not treated with respect. The desire for respect and freedom is the foundation of democracy. Most societies around the world were ruled by men and women’s long battles have produced some sensitivity today that respect for and equal treatment of women are essential components of a democratic society. 

Some things must be provided through democracy. We are most concerned in a democracy with ensuring that people have the right to choose their rulers and that people have influence over the rulers. When possible and needed, citizens should be permitted to participate in decision-making that affects them all. As a result, the most basic outcome of democracy should be the creation of a government that is accountable to the citizens and responsive to their needs and aspirations.

Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

Dignity and Freedom of the Citizens

Democracy is based on the concept of political equality. It recognizes that the poorest and least educated have the same standing as the wealthy and well-educated. Democracy in India has heightened the demands of disadvantaged and discriminated-against castes for equal status and equal opportunities. Democracy trumps all other forms of government in terms of promoting individual dignity and freedom.

Every person wishes to be respected by his or her peers. People regularly clash because some believe they are not treated with dignity. Democracy is built on the desire for respect and freedom. Democracies all around the world have realized this and, to varying degrees, achieved it. It is difficult to accept that all people are equal in civilizations that have been built for a long time on the foundations of subordination and dominance.

Historically, men dominated the majority of societies around the world. Women’s lengthy battles have resulted in some awareness today that respect for and equal treatment of women are vital components of a democratic society. This is not to say that women are always treated with respect. However, if the principle is recognized, women will find it simpler to fight against what is now both legally and morally unacceptable.

Democracy improves dignity in the following ways:

  1. Methods for dealing with differences and conflicts are available in a democracy.
  2. Freedom rights enable people to reach their greatest potential and take responsibility for their own actions.
  3. Removes the possibility of any violent repercussions if citizens are dissatisfied with the ruling regime.

Democracy in India has heightened the demands of disadvantaged and discriminated-against castes for equal status and equal opportunities. There are still incidents of caste-based injustices and atrocities, but there is no moral or legal basis for them. Perhaps it is the recognition that causes ordinary people to cherish their democratic rights.

A public declaration of dissatisfaction with democracy reflects the accomplishment of the democratic project: it lifts people from the status of a subject to that of a citizen. Most individuals today believe that their vote has an impact on how the government is run as well as their own personal interests.

Citizens’ freedom is linked to the right to freedom, which is a fundamental right guaranteed by our constitution. Among other things, the right to freedom ensures citizens’ ability to live a dignified life. Articles 19, 20, 21, 21A, and 22 of the Indian Constitution specify them. The articles are as follows:

  1. Article 19: Protection of six fundamental rights
  2. Article 20: Protection with respect to conviction for offences
  3. Article 21: Right to life and personal liberty
  4. Article 21A: Right to elementary education
  5. Article 22: Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases

Caste disparity is another issue that the fabric of democracy in India is dealing with. Atrocities and discrimination against specific castes continue throughout India. The Indian government is working hard to correct the situation. This is possible in a democratic setting because the country’s laws prohibit caste discrimination. In India, many reservation laws are in place to assist the lower castes. People in a democracy are elevated from the status of subjects to that of citizens. Every democracy faces the problem of deepening democracy in some form or another, whether it is to the dignity of the individual or to its freedom. It involves the following difficulties:

  1. The problem of deepening democracy entails improving democratic institutions and practices.
  2. Every democracy, in some shape or another, faces this dilemma.
  3. This should take place in such a way that people’s democratic aspirations are met. However, in different societies, ordinary people have varied expectations of democracy.
  4. In different places of the world, this challenge takes on different meanings and takes distinct pathways.
  5. In general, it refers to the strengthening of institutions that facilitate people’s participation and control.
  6. This necessitates an endeavor to reduce the dominance and influence of the wealthy and powerful in governmental decision-making. Women, for example, should be allowed to participate in public activities in Saudi Arabia. Minorities should have religious freedom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. Write the main feature of a democracy?


Democracies have formal constitutions, hold elections, have political parties, and guarantee citizens’ rights.

Q 2. What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages?


The concept of deliberation and negotiation underpins democracy. Deliberation and negotiation have an advantage in that they ensure that decisions are agreeable to all parties.

Q 3: How can you say that democracies are based on political equality?


Individuals have equal weight in electing representatives in democracies, which are based on political equality.

Q 4. Why is there such widespread support for the concept of democracy around the world?


It is because a democratic government is the government of the people.

Q 5. What is democracy’s most fundamental result?


It results in a government that is accountable to the citizens and responsive to their needs and aspirations.