Discrete Probability Distributions for Machine Learning

Discrete probability distributions are used as fundamental tools in machine learning, particularly when dealing with data that can only take a finite number of distinct values. These distributions describe the likelihood of each possible outcome for a discrete random variable. Understanding these distributions helps you to build effective models for tasks like classification, predictions recommendation systems etc.

Discrete Probability Distributions

A probability distribution is a mathematical function that describes the likelihood of different outcomes for a random variable.

Discrete probability Distributions are probability distributions that deal with discrete random variables. These distributions are characterized by a list of possible values that the random variable can take on, along with the probability of each value occurring. The sum of the probabilities for all possible values must equal 1.

Why is Discrete Probability Distribution important in machine learning?

Discrete Probability Distributions are important in machine learning for several reasons:

  1. Modeling Uncertainty: Many real-world phenomena involve uncertainty, and discrete probability distributions provide a way to model this uncertainty. By understanding the underlying probability distributions, machine learning models can make more informed decisions.
  2. Classification and Prediction: In classification tasks, discrete probability distributions can be used to model the likelihood of different classes or outcomes. This information is essential for making predictions and determining the most likely class for a given input.
  3. Feature Engineering: Discrete probability distributions can be used as features in machine learning models. For example, the distribution of word frequencies in a document can be used as feature for text classification tasks.
  4. Evaluation of Models: Discrete probability distributions can be used to evaluate the performance of machine learning models. For example, in natural language processing, the perplexity of a language model, which is based on the likelihood of a sequence of words according to the model, can be used as a measure of its performance.
  5. Decision Making: In reinforcement learning, discrete probability distributions are often used to model the probability of different actions leading to different outcomes. This information is used by the agent to make decisions that maximize some notion of reward.

Types of Discrete Probability Distributions

Here are some common types used in Machine learning:

1. Bernoulli Distribution

Bernoulli Distribution represents the distribution of random variable that takes the probability p(success) and probability 1−p(failure), where p is the probability of success in a single trial of a Bernoulli experiment.

Key parameter:

Here, p is the parameter.

  • p: The probability of success in a single trial of an experiment. It ranges from 0 (certain failure) to 1 (certain success).

Probability Mass Function (PMF):

  • The Probability Mass Function (PMF) defines the probability of each outcome for the Bernoulli random variable. It must satisfy two conditions:
  • Both probabilities are non-negative.
  • The sum of probabilities for both outcomes equal to 1.


The probability can be calculated as follows:

  • Mean (expected value): E(X) = p
  • Variance: Var(X) = p(1-p)

Applications of Bernoulli distribution in Machine Learning:

1. Classification: The Bernoulli distribution forms the building block for many classification tasks.

  • Email classification
  • Image classification
  • Customer churn prediction

2. Reinforcement Learning: The Bernoulli distribution can be used to model the probability of success for each event.

3. Anomaly Detection: By modeling the expected success probability, deviations from this probability can indicate anomalies like fraudulent activity.

2. Binomial Distribution

Binomial Distribution describes the probability of obtaining a specific number of successes (r) in a fixed number. is characterized by two parameters n and p i.e., success (1) or failure (0).

Key parameters:

  • n: The total number of independent experiments.
  • r: The specific number of successes in a fixed experiment.
  • p: The probability of success in a single experiment.

Probability Mass Function (PMF):

The PMF defines the probability of achieving exactly r successes in n trials. It can be calculated using the below formula:

[Tex]$$P(r) = \binom{n}{r} p^r (1-p)^{n-r}$$ [/Tex]

Properties :

  • Mean (expected value): E(X) = n * p
  • Variance: Var(X) = n * p * (1-p)

Applications of Binomial distribution in Machine Learning :

1. Classification: The Binomial distribution is instrumental in various classification tasks where you’re interested in the probability of a certain number of successes. Examples include:

  • Predicting the number of website conversions in a day.
  • Analyzing the number of positive reviews a product receives.

2. Recommendation Systems: By understanding the probability of users clicking on different categories of items, recommendation systems can be tailored to suggest relevant products with higher success rates.

3. Poisson Distribution

Poisson Distribution describes the probability of observing a specific number of events (r) within a fixed interval. where, that these events occur with a known average rate λ and are independent of the time since the last event. It’s often used for rare events.

Key parameter :

  • λ (lambda): The average rate of event occurrence within the specified interval. It can represent events per hour, per unit area, etc., depending on the context.

Probability Mass Function(PMF) :

The PMF defines the probability of getting exactly r events in the interval. It can be calculated using the formula:

[Tex]P(r) = \frac{e^{-\lambda} \lambda^{r}}{r!} [/Tex]


  • e is a numerical constant
  • r! is the factorial of r (r * (r-1) * … * 1)


  • Mean (expected value): E(X) = λ
  • Variance: Var(X) = λ

Applications of poisson distribution in Machine Learning:

1. Anomaly Detection: Deviations from the expected number of events based on the Poisson distribution can signal anomalies. For instance:

  • A sudden spike in network security alerts might indicate a cyberattack.
  • A significant drop in customer website visits could suggest a technical issue.

2. Modeling Customer Behavior: The Poisson distribution can be used to model customer interactions, such as:

  • Predicting the number of customer service calls received per day.
  • Analyzing the frequency of customer purchases within a specific timeframe.

4. Multinomial Distribution

It describes the probability of obtaining or observing a specific set of outcomes(categories) in a fixed number of independent trials, where each can have more than two categories.

Key Parameters:

  • n : The total number of independent trials.
  • k : The number of possible outcomes (categories). This is greater than 2 (unlike the Binomial distribution).
  • pi : The probability of observing outcome i in a single trial. The probabilities must sum to 1.

Probability Mass Function (PMF):

The PMF defines the probability of obtaining a specific combination of outcomes for each category across all n trials. It can be calculated using a more complex formula compared to the Binomial distribution.


  • Mean (expected value) for outcome i:[Tex] E(X_i) = n * p_i[/Tex]
  • Variance for outcome i: [Tex]Var(X_i) = n * p_i * (1-p_i)[/Tex]

Applications of Multinomial distribution in machine learning:

1. Classification with Multiple Classes: The multinomial distribution is instrumental in tasks involving multi-class classification. For instance:

  • Image recognition
  • Text classification
  • Customer segmentation

2.NLP (Natural Language Processing) : It can be used to the probability of different word sequences in a language, aiding in tasks like language modeling.