Discuss why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930

Nazism became popular in Germany during the 1930s when it attained maximum seats in the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament.  In 1930, the July Nazi party became one of the largest political parties in the German parliament with 230 representatives, and there was a rapid rise in Nazi power in 1930. Before the 1930s the National Socialist German Worker’s Party(Nazi Party) was the smallest party on the radical right of the German political spectrum. Hitler joined the party in the year 1919, Hitler had an influencing personality and mass appeal which contributed a lot to the rise of the Nazi party in Germany.

Popularity of Nazism in Germany

Nazism and Germany

One of the most important reasons for the popularity of Nazism in Germany was the Great Depression. The Weimar Republic could very little to work as a remedy for the economic downfall of the country and Hitler was portrayed as a savior for the German People who were living in a situation of economic and political crises.

The powerful speeches of Hitler acted as a bonus for building a great country, undoing the injustice from the Versailles Treaty, and restoring the dignity of the people. Also, the red banners with the symbols of the swastika, the Nazi salute, and round applause came to attract people and make the popularity of Nazism receive heights.

The popularity of Nazism in Germany

The important reasons for the popularity of nazism in Germany are as follows:

  • The main reason for the rise of the power of the Nazi party was the Great Depression, the worldwide economic depression had hit the country hard. The economic situation of fragile Germany worsened during the Great Depression of 1929. The banks collapsed, businesses shut down, workers lost their jobs and the middle classes were threatened with destitution. Nazi propaganda stirred hopes of a better future.
  • The Weimar Republic (the government of Germany) was unable to provide a cure to the situation. The republic didn’t receive well support from the people because of the terms it was forced to accept at Versailles at the end of world war I. After the first world war, Germany was defeated by the Allied power and was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. The humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles made the Germans accept it. Germany lost overseas colonies and 13% of its territory.
  • The Weimar Republic had to face another economic crisis as the USA withdrew its support when the Wall Street Exchange crashed in 1929. The worker lost their job or their wages were reduced. This economic crisis created a feeling of fear among the people and Hitler used the opportunity by promising prosperity and peace to the people.
  • As Hitler was the opponent of the Treaty of Versailles, he promised the Germans to work against the Republicans and the Treaty. The Nazi propaganda was very unique and helped in making Nazism popular. Hitler promised to build a strong nation, restore the dignity of the Germans and provide employment to all.
  • Many public meetings were held by the Nazi party to instill unity among the people. The red banners, the Nazi salute, and the rounds of applause attracted the people, and Nazism became popular. He gained strong support from the middle class.
  • The political scenario was not any better as the various political factions, such as the communists and socialists fought with each other that stalled any policy that would uplift the plight of the German people.
  • When Germany was defeated in the first world war, there was a feeling that the Jews were responsible as they dominated politics, business, and trade and were the prosperous clan of Germany. Hitler took advantage and promised to expel the Jews from the country. He gained support from the unemployed ones.

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FAQs on Why Nazism Became Popular in Germany by 1930

Q 1. What were the ideas of Nazism?


 One of the most popular ideas of Nazism was that Nazis were the strongest race and would survive and the weak races would perish. The Aryan race was considered to be superior and to retain its purity, they have to become strongest and also dominate the world.

Q 2. What are the 2 features of Nazism?


Nazism is a form of fascism with disdain for liberal democracy and a form of parliamentary system. It incorporated dictatorships, anti-communism and other types of ideologies.

Q 3. What is the name of the German Parliament?


The German Parliament is known as Reichstag which was between 1933 and 1945. The current name is known as Bundestag.