Django Installation and Setup

Installing and setting up Django is a straightforward process. Below are the step-by-step instructions to install Django and set up a new Django project on your system.

Prerequisites: Before installing Django, make sure you have Python installed on your system.

How to Install Django?

To Install Django in Linux and Mac is similar, here I am showing it in Windows for Linux and Mac just open the terminal in place of the command prompt and go through the following commands.

Step 1: Install Pip

Open the command prompt and enter the following command-

python -m pip install -U pip

Install Pip

Step 2: Set Virtual environment:

Setting up the virtual environment will allow you to edit the dependency which generally your system wouldn’t allow. Follow these steps to set up a virtual environment-

Step 3: Create virtual environment in Django:

We should first go the directory where we want to create the virtual environment then we type the following command to create virtual environment in django.

python -m venv env_site

Create Virtual Environment

then we need to activate virtual environment in django

Step 4: Activate the virtual environment:

Run the activation script located in the bin directory within the virtual environment folder

  • For Windows:
  • For MacOs/Linux:
source env_site/bin/activate

Step 5: Install Django:

Install django by giving following command

pip install django

Install Django

Django Setup

Once Django is installed, we can start to create a new Django project.

Step 1: Start a new Django Project

Start a project by following command-

django-admin startproject Beginner_site

Start a new Project Django

Step 2: Navigate to the Project Directory

Change directory to Beginner_site

cd Beginner_site

Step 3: Start the server

Start the server by typing following command in cmd-

python runserver

Start Django Server

Step 4: Verify Server Status

To check whether server is running or not go to web browser and enter as URL.