dnssec-keygen command in Linux with Examples

dnssec-keygen command is used to generate keys for DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions). DNSSEC is an extension to the regular DNS (Domain Name System) technology but with added authentication for the DNS data. This authentication is carried out using public key cryptography technique and the above mentioned command produces the public/private key pair.


dnssec-keygen [options] name


dnssec-keygen gfg.org

In the above example, keys are generated for gfg.org. Since no options are provided, the default algorithm (RSASHA1) is used for generation and the keys are of the default size (1024 bits).

Working with dnssec-keygen command

1. -b (Key Size) option:

This option specifies the number of bits the key should contain. The size of the key depends upon the algorithm used.

  • RSA Algorithm: 512-4096 bits
  • DH Algorithm: 128-4096 bits
  • DSA Algorithm: 512-1024 bits (multiples of 64)
  • HMAC Algorithm: 1-512 bits


dnssec-keygen -b 1024 gfg.org

2. -a (Algorithm) option:

This option is used to select the crypt algorithm for the key generation. If an algorithm is specified like this, use of the -b to set key size is mandatory. The available algorithms are:

  • RSAMD5
  • RSASHA1 (default algorithm)
  • RSASHA256
  • RSASHA512
  • DH
  • DSA
  • HMAC-MD5
  • HMAC-SHA224
  • HMAC-SHA256
  • HMAC-SHA384
  • HMAC-SHA512


dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA1 -b 1024 gfg.org

3. -n (Name Type) option:

This option is used to specify the owner type of the key. The accepted values are:

  • ZONE
  • USER


dnssec-keygen -n ZONE gfg.org

4. -3 option:

This option mandates the creation of the keys using a NSEC3-capable algorithm. NSEC3RSASHA1 will be used by default if no algorithm is mentioned explicitly.


dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 1024 -3 gfg.org

5. -f (Key Flag) option:

This is used to specify a flag for the generated key. The recognized flags are:

  • KSK (Key Signing Key)

Example :

dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 1024 -f KSK gfg.org

6. -c (Class) option:

DNS could be partitioned according to the class. This option is used to specify the class that the DNS record should have. If you do not specify anything using this option, IN is used by default. The following are a list of DNS classes:

  • IN (Internet) – Default Class
  • CH (CHAOS)
  • HS (Hesiod)


dnssec-keygen -c CH gfg.org

7. -t (Type) option:

This option is used to specify the type of the key. AUTHCONF is used by default if not specified explicitly. The possible types are: 



dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 1024 -t NOAUTH gfg.org