Do Laws Apply To All?

A system of rules which a country or community recognizes as regulating the conduct of its members and which it can enforce by imposing sanctions. All laws are decided by the court. Each country has its own set of laws and each is unique to that country. For example, in the United States, the law requires drivers to drive on the right side of the road. In England, on the other hand, there is a law that drivers must drive on the left side of the road. If you and your family are traveling to England, you can see how knowing the law can protect you.

Laws cannot discriminate on the basis of religion, sex, caste, or color of a person. Any crime or violation of law is punishable, as well as through which an individual’s guild must be established. All laws apply to all and no one is above the law.

How and why laws are introduced

The legal system was certainly introduced during the colonial period under British rule in India. These laws were arbitrary and therefore laws are needed to protect community values ​​and to reflect society’s views on what is acceptable and what is not. For most societies, an important value is the importance of human life; consequently, any action that harms or interferes with the quality of human life would be against the law.

Law is a fundamental right in society. The law is there to guide society to happiness without bloodshed, in peace and harmony. The law helps us restrain ourselves in times of great thirst for more money or power. It curbs our greed and reminds us that there is someone, or rather something, ready to punish us when necessary. Law is dynamic. It is constantly adapting to the changing times to close any gaps that may remain due to human error.

Our preamble states the ideals of “JUSTICE, LIBERTY, SOVEREIGNTY, BROTHERHOOD, and EQUALITY” which form the basic foundation of our Constitution. Without law, however, these ideals will be constantly undermined. Nothing will protect these ideals. It limits people who get carried away by the freedom that the absence of law gives them if that is the case. They know that one misuse of the law will affect them economically, psychologically, and physically. Some exceptions can be found, but this is true for the majority to be enforced in independent India

Do laws apply to everyone?

  • The law does not differentiate between different citizens on the basis of their caste, religion, or gender. The rule of law means that no citizen is above the law and all these laws apply equally to every citizen of India. Whether a person is rich, a government official, or even the president of a country – everyone is equal before the law.
  • If someone commits a crime or breaks the law – they have a specific punishment. There is also a process through which a person can be proven guilty.
  • But the system was not like this in earlier times. In ancient times there were countless laws. Local laws often overlapped. Different communities had different stages of self-government as they administered these laws among themselves. In some cases, two persons from different castes received different punishments. While upper caste persons received lighter punishments, lower caste persons received harsher punishments. However, during the colonial period, this process began to change as laws began to evolve.
  • It has always been argued that the rule of law was introduced in India by the British colonialists. However, historians have always questioned this fact for several reasons. Two of them are – Colonial rule was arbitrary and Indian nationalists had an important role in the development of the British Indian legal sphere.
  • The Sedition Act of 1870 was such that it continued to exist and was an example of British arbitrariness. Anyone who criticized or protested British policy could be immediately arrested without any trial.
  • Soon Indian nationalists began to oppose and criticize the arbitrary use of authority by the British. They demanded equality and wanted to change the goal of law from some rules that were imposed on people to an idea that supported the goal of promoting justice.
  • At the end of the 19th century, the legal profession also began to appear in India. They earned the respect of the Indians in the colonial courts. They began to use the law to defend the rights of their Indians. Even Indian judges had a greater role in the decision-making process within the colonial courts. Thus, there were several ways in which Indians came to play a major role in the development of the rule of law during British rule.
  • Once independent India adopted the Constitution, this document served as the basis upon which Indian legislators and elected representatives began to make laws for India. These representatives pass many new laws every year. They also make changes to current laws.
  • Amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, 2005  states that daughters, sons, and their mothers are entitled to an equal share in the family property. In addition, several new laws were passed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: List the different categories into which a right can be placed.


 Some of the categories into which law can be placed are as follows:

  • Criminal Law
  • Contract law
  • Property Law
  • International law
  • Equity and Trust Laws

Question 2: Write a short note on Lady Justice.


Lady Justice or Justitia is the Roman goddess of justice. He is the personification of the moral force that underlies the legal system. Her blindfolded eyes symbolize equality under the law and impartiality towards all people who follow it. The scales represent the balancing of people’s interests under the law, and her sword represents the power of the law’s reason.

Question 3: Mention some of the general laws we are governed by.


Some of the common laws that govern us are:

  • The age at which a person can vote.
  • A specific age for marriage.
  • You will be  entitled to Rs. 40 lakhs in case of loss of life or damage to property due to cylinder explosions.
  • Only female police officers can accompany women to the police station.
  • No traffic regulations for non-motorized vehicles.
  • You don’t have to pay MRP, you can buy cheaper.