Do you think the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy got justice?

The victims of the Bhopal gas disaster did not receive justice yet. The accident was caused by the factory’s management’s reckless neglect of safety protocols.

The Indian government represented the people in order to lawfully seek compensation for those who had been harmed. The government requested $ 3 billion, while the Company only offered $ 470 million.

Some victims received appropriate compensation, while others are still fighting for a fair judgment on a breach of their rights. 8,000 individuals dead, while another 50,000 were permanently disabled and so unable to work. Union Carbide, the firm that operated the pesticide facility, refused to accept responsibility for the deaths and left in rush, leaving behind hazardous poisonous chemicals that are still poisoning water in Bhopal today. Although financial compensation was appropriate for the victims’ families, survivors of this accident are still struggling for clean drinking water, healthcare facilities, and jobs for those who have been poisoned by the DC plant. Anderson, the UC chairman who is facing criminal allegations, has not yet been sentenced.

The legal actions between India, Union Carbide, and the United States began immediately after the disaster. In March 1985, the government approved the Bhopal Gas Leak Act, allowing it to act as the victims’ legal representative.

How did the disaster happen in Bhopal?

According to sources, water had entered the damaged tank by December 2 night, causing a rapid chemical reaction. By night, the pressure in the tank had raised five times. Workers in the MIC region began to experience the effects of MIC gas around midnight. A few minutes later, the decision to handle the leak was to be taken. However, the chemical reaction in the tank had reached a critical point by then. Within one hour, around 30 tonnes of MIC leaked from the tank into the environment. Exposure to the gas itself warned most Bhopal locals about the gas leak.

The doctors were not aware of appropriate treatment measures at the time of the occurrence. More than 15,000 individuals were killed and 600,000 employees were affected by the methyl isocyanate gas spill. Stillbirth and infant death rates climbed by up to 300 and 200 percent, respectively. The gas leak has an influence on both plants and animals. Trees in the surrounding region went lifeless after a few days. Animal bodies that had swollen had to be disposed of. People were vomiting and dying as they rushed through the streets. The city has run out of cremation sites.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Do every victim in the Bhopal tragedy received compensation?


Some victims received appropriate compensation, while others are still fighting for a fair judgement on a breach of their rights. 8,000 individuals dead, while another 50,000 were permanently disabled and so unable to work. Union Carbide, the firm that operated the pesticide facility, refused to accept responsibility for the deaths and left in rush, leaving behind hazardous poisonous chemicals that are still poisoning water in Bhopal today.

Question 2: How are the victims still struggling?


Although financial compensation was appropriate for the victims’ families, survivors of this accident are still struggling for clean drinking water, healthcare facilities, and jobs for those who have been poisoned by the DC plant. Anderson, the UC chairman who is facing criminal allegations, has not yet been sentenced.

Question 3: How is the effect and situation during the gas leak?


More than 15,000 individuals were killed and 600,000 employees were affected by the methyl isocyanate gas spill. Stillbirth and infant death rates climbed by up to 300 and 200 percent, respectively. The gas leak has an influence on both plants and animals. Trees in the surrounding region went lifeless after a few days. Animal bodies that had swollen had to be disposed of. People were vomiting and dying as they rushed through the streets. The city has run out of cremation sites.