Does Gradient Descent Always Converge to an Optimum?

Answer: Gradient descent doesn’t always converge to an optimum due to saddle points, plateaus, or poor initialization.

Gradient descent, while a widely used optimization algorithm, doesn’t guarantee convergence to an optimum in all cases. Several factors can impede convergence:

  1. Saddle Points: In high-dimensional spaces, gradient descent may get stuck at saddle points where the gradient is zero but not a minimum. This can slow down convergence or even halt it altogether.
  2. Plateaus: Regions of the optimization landscape with very low gradients, called plateaus, can significantly slow down gradient descent. In such regions, the algorithm may take a long time to progress towards the optimum.
  3. Poor Initialization: The convergence of gradient descent can be highly sensitive to the initial parameters. Poor initialization may lead the algorithm to converge to a suboptimal solution or even diverge.
  4. Learning Rate: An improperly chosen learning rate can cause gradient descent to oscillate around the optimum or diverge entirely. Learning rate schedules or adaptive methods like Adam can mitigate this issue.
  5. Non-Convex Optimization: In non-convex optimization problems, such as those encountered in deep learning, gradient descent may converge to local optima rather than the global optimum.


While gradient descent is a powerful optimization algorithm widely used in machine learning, its convergence to an optimum is not guaranteed in all scenarios. Understanding the factors that can impede convergence, such as saddle points, plateaus, and poor initialization, is crucial for effectively applying gradient descent and improving optimization performance.