Double.IsPositiveInfinity() Method in C#

In C#, Double.IsPositiveInfinity() is a Double struct method. This method is used to check whether a specified value evaluates to positive infinity or not. In some floating point operation, it is possible to obtain a result that is positive infinity. For Example: If any positive value is divided by zero, it results in positive infinity.

Syntax: public static bool IsPositiveInfinity (double d);

d: It is a double-precision floating-point number of type System.Double.

Return Type: This function return a Boolean value True, if specified value evaluates to positive infinity, otherwise return False.


Input  : d = 10 / 0.0 
Output : True

Input  : d =  7.997e307 + 9.985e307; 
Output : True

Code: To demonstrate the Double.IsPositiveInfinity(Double) Method

// C# program to illustrate the
// Double.IsPositiveInfinity() Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main method
    static public void Main()
        // Dividing a Positive number by zero
        // results in positive infinity.
        // Dividing a number directly by 0
        // produces an error
        // So 0 is stored in a variable first
        double zero = 0.0;
        double value = 10.0;
        double result = value / zero;
        // Printing result
        // Check result using IsPositiveInfinity() Method
        // Floating point operation that exceeds
        // Double.MaxValue (i.e 1.7976931348623157E+308)
        // is Positive Infinity
        result = 7.997e307 + 9.985e307;
        // Printing result
        // Check result using IsPositiveInfinity() Method


  • Floating-point operation return Infinity (Positive Infinity) or -Infinity (Negative Infinity) to indicate an overflow condition.
  • The result of any floating point operation that exceeds Double.MaxValue (i.e 1.7976931348623157E+308 ) is considered as Positive Infinity.