Double Threaded Binary Search Tree

Double Threaded Binary Search Tree: is a binary search tree in which the nodes are not every left NULL pointer points to its inorder predecessor and the right NULL pointer points to the inorder successor.
The threads are also useful for fast accessing the ancestors of a node.

 Double Threaded Binary Search Tree is one of the most used types of Advanced data structures used in many real-time applications like places where there are recent insertion and traversal of all elements of the search tree. 

Creation algorithm for Double Threaded Binary Search Tree:  

  • In Double Threaded Binary search tree, there are five fields namely, data fields, left, right pointers, lbit, and rbit where lbit and rbit are boolean value stored to denote the right pointer points to an inorder successor or a new child node. Similarly, lbit denotes that the left pointer points to an inorder predecessor or a new child node.
  • Base condition for the creation of the Double Threaded binary search tree is that the root node exists or not, If it doesn’t exist then create a new node and store it.
  • Otherwise, compare the data of the current node to the new Data to be inserted, If the new data is less than the current data then traverse to the left child node. Otherwise, traverse to the right child node.
  • If the left child or right child doesn’t exist then insert the node to its left and point its left and right child to the inorder predecessor and successor respectively.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ implementation of the double
// threaded binary searighth tree
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Class of the Node
class Node {
    int lbit, rbit;
    int value;
    Node *left, *right;
    // Constructor of the
    // Node of the Tree
        lbit = rbit = 0;
        value = 0;
        left = right = NULL;
    friend class DTBT;
// Class of the Threaded
// Binary search tree
class DTBT {
    Node* root;
    // Constructor of the
    // Threaded of the Binary
    // Search Tree
        root = new Node();
        // Initialise the dummy node
        // to any random value of
        // your choice.
        root->value = 9999;
        // Considering our whole
        // tree is at left of
        // dummy node
        root->rbit = 1;
        root->lbit = 0;
        // Consider your whole tree
        // lies to the left of
        // this dummy node.
        root->left = root;
        root->right = root;
    void create();
    void insert(int value);
    void preorder();
    Node* preorderSuccessor(Node*);
    void inorder();
    Node* inorderSuccessor(Node*);
// Function to create the Binary
// search tree
void DTBT::create()
    int n = 9;
    // Insertion of the nodes
// Function to insert the nodes
// into the threaded binary
// search tree
void DTBT::insert(int data)
    // Condition to check if there
    // is no node in the binary tree
    if (root->left == root
        && root->right == root) {
        Node* p = new Node();
        p->value = data;
        p->left = root->left;
        p->lbit = root->lbit;
        p->rbit = 0;
        p->right = root->right;
        // Inserting the node in the
        // left of the dummy node
        root->left = p;
        root->lbit = 1;
    // New node
    Node* cur = new Node;
    cur = root->left;
    while (1) {
        // Condition to check if the
        // data to be inserted is
        // less than the current node
        if (cur->value < data) {
            Node* p = new Node();
            p->value = data;
            if (cur->rbit == 0) {
                p->right = cur->right;
                p->rbit = cur->rbit;
                p->lbit = 0;
                p->left = cur;
                // Inserting the node
                // in the right
                cur->rbit = 1;
                cur->right = p;
                cur = cur->right;
        // Otherwise insert the node
        // in the left of current node
        if (cur->value > data) {
            Node* p = new Node();
            p->value = data;
            if (cur->lbit == 0) {
                p->left = cur->left;
                p->lbit = cur->lbit;
                p->rbit = 0;
                // Pointing the right child
                // to its inorder Successor
                p->right = cur;
                cur->lbit = 1;
                cur->left = p;
                cur = cur->left;
// In Threaded binary search tree
// the left pointer of every node
// points to its Inorder predecessor,
// whereas its right pointer points
// to the Inorder Successor
void DTBT::preorder()
    Node* c = root->left;
    // Loop to traverse the tree in
    // the preorder fashion
    while (c != root) {
        cout << " " << c->value;
        c = preorderSuccessor(c);
// Function to find the preorder
// Successor of the node
Node* DTBT::preorderSuccessor(Node* c)
    if (c->lbit == 1) {
        return c->left;
    while (c->rbit == 0) {
        c = c->right;
    return c->right;
// In Threaded binary search tree
// the left pointer of every node
// points to its Inorder predecessor
// whereas its right pointer points
// to the Inorder Successor
void DTBT::inorder()
    Node* c;
    c = root->left;
    while (c->lbit == 1)
        c = c->left;
    // Loop to traverse the tree
    while (c != root) {
        cout << " " << c->value;
        c = inorderSuccessor(c);
// Function to find the inorder
// successor of the node
Node* DTBT::inorderSuccessor(Node* c)
    if (c->rbit == 0)
        return c->right;
        c = c->right;
    while (c->lbit == 1) {
        c = c->left;
    return c;
// Driver Code
int main()
    DTBT t1;
    // Creation of the Threaded
    // Binary search tree
    cout << "Inorder Traversal of DTBST\n";
    cout << "\nPreorder Traversal of DTBST\n";
    return 0;


public class ThreadedBinarySearchTree {
    // Class of the Node
    private static class Node {
        int lbit, rbit;
        int value;
        Node left, right;
        // Constructor of the Node of the Tree
        Node() {
            lbit = rbit = 0;
            value = 0;
            left = right = null;
    // Class of the Threaded Binary search tree
    private static class ThreadedBinarySearchTreeImpl {
        Node root;
        // Constructor of the Threaded Binary Search Tree
        ThreadedBinarySearchTreeImpl() {
            root = new Node();
            // Initialize the dummy node to any random value of your choice.
            root.value = 9999;
            // Considering our whole tree is at the left of the dummy node.
            root.rbit = 1;
            root.lbit = 0;
            // Consider your whole tree lies to the left of this dummy node.
            root.left = root;
            root.right = root;
        void create() {
            // Insertion of the nodes
        void insert(int data) {
            // Condition to check if there is no node in the binary tree
            if (root.left == root && root.right == root) {
                Node p = new Node();
                p.value = data;
                p.left = root.left;
                p.lbit = root.lbit;
                p.rbit = 0;
                p.right = root.right;
                // Inserting the node in the left of the dummy node
                root.left = p;
                root.lbit = 1;
            // New node
            Node cur = root.left;
            while (true) {
                // Condition to check if the data to be inserted is less than the current node
                if (cur.value < data) {
                    Node p = new Node();
                    p.value = data;
                    if (cur.rbit == 0) {
                        p.right = cur.right;
                        p.rbit = cur.rbit;
                        p.lbit = 0;
                        p.left = cur;
                        // Inserting the node in the right
                        cur.rbit = 1;
                        cur.right = p;
                    } else
                        cur = cur.right;
                // Otherwise insert the node in the left of the current node
                if (cur.value > data) {
                    Node p = new Node();
                    p.value = data;
                    if (cur.lbit == 0) {
                        p.left = cur.left;
                        p.lbit = cur.lbit;
                        p.rbit = 0;
                        // Pointing the right child to its inorder Successor
                        p.right = cur;
                        cur.lbit = 1;
                        cur.left = p;
                    } else
                        cur = cur.left;
        // In Threaded binary search tree, the left pointer of every node
        // points to its Inorder predecessor,
        // whereas its right pointer points to the Inorder Successor
        void preorder() {
            Node c = root.left;
            // Loop to traverse the tree in the preorder fashion
            while (c != root) {
                System.out.print(" " + c.value);
                c = preorderSuccessor(c);
        // Function to find the preorder Successor of the node
        Node preorderSuccessor(Node c) {
            if (c.lbit == 1) {
                return c.left;
            while (c.rbit == 0) {
                c = c.right;
            return c.right;
        // In Threaded binary search tree, the left pointer of every
        // node points to its Inorder predecessor
        // whereas its right pointer points to the Inorder Successor
        void inorder() {
            Node c = root.left;
            while (c.lbit == 1)
                c = c.left;
            // Loop to traverse the tree
            while (c != root) {
                System.out.print(" " + c.value);
                c = inorderSuccessor(c);
        // Function to find the inorder successor of the node
        Node inorderSuccessor(Node c) {
            if (c.rbit == 0)
                return c.right;
                c = c.right;
            while (c.lbit == 1) {
                c = c.left;
            return c;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ThreadedBinarySearchTreeImpl t1 = new ThreadedBinarySearchTreeImpl();
        // Creation of the Threaded Binary search tree
        System.out.println("Inorder Traversal of DTBST");
        System.out.println("\nPreorder Traversal of DTBST");


# Python implementation of the double
# threaded binary searighth tree
# Class of the Node
class Node:
    def __init__(self):
        self.lbit = None
        self.rbit = None
        self.value = None
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# Class of the Threaded
# Binary search tree
class DTBT:
    root = None
    # Constructor of the
    # Threaded of the Binary
    # Search Tree
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = Node()
        # Initialise the dummy node
        # to any random value of
        # your choice.
        self.root.value = 9999
        # Considering our whole
        # tree is at left of
        # dummy node
        self.root.rbit = 1
        self.root.lbit = 0
        # Consider your whole tree
        # lies to the left of
        # this dummy node.
        self.root.left = self.root
        self.root.right = self.root
    def create(self):
        n = 9
        # Insertion of the nodes
    # Function to insert the nodes
    # into the threaded binary
    # search tree
    def insert(self, data):
        # Condition to check if there
        # is no node in the binary tree
        if (self.root.left == self.root and
            self.root.right == self.root):
            # New node
            p = Node()
            p.value = data
            p.left = self.root.left
            p.lbit = self.root.lbit
            p.rbit = 0
            p.right = self.root.right
            # Inserting the node in the
            # left of the dummy node
            self.root.left = p
            self.root.lbit = 1
        # New node
        cur = self.root.left
        while (1):
            # Condition to check if the
            # data to be inserted is
            # less than the current node
            if (cur.value < data):
                p = Node()
                p.value = data
                if (cur.rbit == 0):
                    p.right = cur.right
                    p.rbit = cur.rbit
                    p.lbit = 0
                    p.left = cur
                    # Inserting the node
                    # in the right
                    cur.rbit = 1
                    cur.right = p
                    cur = cur.right
            # Otherwise insert the node
            # in the left of current node
            if (cur.value > data):
                p = Node()
                p.value = data
                if (cur.lbit == 0):
                    p.left = cur.left
                    p.lbit = cur.lbit
                    p.rbit = 0
                    # Pointing the right child
                    # to its inorder Successor
                    p.right = cur
                    cur.lbit = 1
                    cur.left = p
                    cur = cur.left
    # In Threaded binary search tree
    # the left pointer of every node
    # points to its Inorder predecessor,
    # whereas its right pointer points
    # to the Inorder Successor
    def preorder(self):
        c = self.root.left
        # Loop to traverse the tree in
        # the preorder fashion
        while (c != self.root):
            print(c.value, end = ' ')
            c = self.preorderSuccessor(c)
    # Function to find the preorder
    # Successor of the node
    def preorderSuccessor(self, c):
        if (c.lbit == 1):
            return c.left
        while (c.rbit == 0):
            c = c.right
        return c.right
    # In Threaded binary search tree
    # the left pointer of every node
    # points to its Inorder predecessor
    # whereas its right pointer points
    # to the Inorder Successor
    def inorder(self):
        c = self.root.left
        while (c.lbit == 1):
            c = c.left
        # Loop to traverse the tree
        while (c != self.root):
            print(c.value, end = ' ')
            c = self.inorderSuccessor(c)
    # Function to find the inorder
    # successor of the node
    def inorderSuccessor(self, c):
        if (c.rbit == 0):
            return c.right
            c = c.right
        while (c.lbit == 1):
            c = c.left
        return c
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    t1 = DTBT()
    # Creation of the Threaded
    # Binary search tree
    print("Inorder Traversal of DTBST")
    print("\nPreorder Traversal of DTBST")


using System;
// Class of the Node
class Node
    public int lbit, rbit;
    public int value;
    public Node left, right;
    // Constructor of the Node of the Tree
    public Node()
        lbit = rbit = 0;
        value = 0;
        left = right = null;
// Class of the Threaded Binary search tree
class DTBT
    Node root;
    // Constructor of the Threaded Binary Search Tree
    public DTBT()
        root = new Node();
        // Initialise the dummy node to any random value of your choice.
        root.value = 9999;
        // Considering our whole tree is at the left of dummy node
        root.rbit = 1;
        root.lbit = 0;
        // Consider your whole tree lies to the left of this dummy node.
        root.left = root;
        root.right = root;
    public void Create()
    // Insertion of the nodes
    // Function to insert the nodes into the threaded binary search tree
    public void Insert(int data)
        // Condition to check if there is no node in the binary tree
        if (root.left == root && root.right == root)
            Node p = new Node();
            p.value = data;
            p.left = root.left;
            p.lbit = root.lbit;
            p.rbit = 0;
            p.right = root.right;
            // Inserting the node in the left of the dummy node
            root.left = p;
            root.lbit = 1;
        // New node
        Node cur = new Node();
        cur = root.left;
        while (true)
            // Condition to check if the data to be inserted is less than the current node
            if (cur.value < data)
                Node p = new Node();
                p.value = data;
                if (cur.rbit == 0)
                    p.right = cur.right;
                    p.rbit = cur.rbit;
                    p.lbit = 0;
                    p.left = cur;
                    // Inserting the node in the right
                    cur.rbit = 1;
                    cur.right = p;
                    cur = cur.right;
            // Otherwise insert the node in the left of the current node
            if (cur.value > data)
                Node p = new Node();
                p.value = data;
                if (cur.lbit == 0)
                    p.left = cur.left;
                    p.lbit = cur.lbit;
                    p.rbit = 0;
                    // Pointing the right child to its inorder Successor
                    p.right = cur;
                    cur.lbit = 1;
                    cur.left = p;
                    cur = cur.left;
    // In Threaded binary search tree, the left pointer of every node points to its Inorder predecessor,
    // whereas its right pointer points to the Inorder Successor
    public void Preorder()
        Node c = root.left;
        // Loop to traverse the tree in the preorder fashion
        while (c != root)
            Console.Write(" " + c.value);
            c = PreorderSuccessor(c);
    // Function to find the preorder Successor of the node
    public Node PreorderSuccessor(Node c)
        if (c.lbit == 1)
            return c.left;
        while (c.rbit == 0)
            c = c.right;
        return c.right;
    // In Threaded binary search tree, the left pointer of every node points to its Inorder predecessor
    // whereas its right pointer points to the Inorder Successor
    public void Inorder()
        Node c;
        c = root.left;
        while (c.lbit == 1)
            c = c.left;
        // Loop to traverse the tree
        while (c != root)
            Console.Write(" " + c.value);
            c = InorderSuccessor(c);
    // Function to find the inorder Successor of the node
    public Node InorderSuccessor(Node c)
        if (c.rbit == 0)
            return c.right;
            c = c.right;
        while (c.lbit == 1)
            c = c.left;
        return c;
// Driver Code
class Program
    static void Main()
        DTBT t1 = new DTBT();
        // Creation of the Threaded Binary search tree
        Console.WriteLine("Inorder Traversal of DTBST");
        Console.WriteLine("\nPreorder Traversal of DTBST");
// Contributed  by Siddhesh


// JavaScript implementation of the double
// threaded binary search tree
// Class of the Node
class Node {
    constructor() {
        this.lbit = null;
        this.rbit = null;
        this.value = null;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
// Class of the Threaded
// Binary search tree
class DTBT {
    constructor() {
        this.root = new Node();
        // Initialise the dummy node
        // to any random value of
        // your choice.
        this.root.value = 9999;
        // Considering our whole
        // tree is at left of
        // dummy node
        this.root.rbit = 1;
        this.root.lbit = 0;
        // Consider your whole tree
        // lies to the left of
        // this dummy node.
        this.root.left = this.root;
        this.root.right = this.root;
    create() {
        const n = 9;
        // Insertion of the nodes
    // Function to insert the nodes
    // into the threaded binary
    // search tree
    insert(data) {
        // Condition to check if there
        // is no node in the binary tree
        if (
            this.root.left === this.root &&
            this.root.right === this.root
        ) {
            // New node
            const p = new Node();
            p.value = data;
            p.left = this.root.left;
            p.lbit = this.root.lbit;
            p.rbit = 0;
            p.right = this.root.right;
            // Inserting the node in the
            // left of the dummy node
            this.root.left = p;
            this.root.lbit = 1;
        // New node
        let cur = this.root.left;
        while (true) {
            // Condition to check if the
            // data to be inserted is
            // less than the current node
            if (cur.value < data) {
                const p = new Node();
                p.value = data;
                if (cur.rbit === 0) {
                    p.right = cur.right;
                    p.rbit = cur.rbit;
                    p.lbit = 0;
                    p.left = cur;
                    // Inserting the node
                    // in the right
                    cur.rbit = 1;
                    cur.right = p;
                } else {
                    cur = cur.right;
            // Otherwise insert the node
            // in the left of current node
            if (cur.value > data) {
                const p = new Node();
                p.value = data;
                if (cur.lbit === 0) {
                    p.left = cur.left;
                    p.lbit = cur.lbit;
                    p.rbit = 0;
                    // Pointing the right child
                    // to its inorder Successor
                    p.right = cur;
                    cur.lbit = 1;
                    cur.left = p;
                } else {
                    cur = cur.left;
    // In Threaded binary search tree
    // the left pointer of every node
    // points to its Inorder predecessor,
    // whereas its right pointer points
    // to the Inorder Successor
    preorder() {
        let c = this.root.left;
        // Loop to traverse the tree in
        // the preorder fashion
        while (c != this.root) {
            process.stdout.write(c.value + " ");
            c = this.preorderSuccessor(c);
    // Function to find the preorder
    // Successor of the node
    preorderSuccessor(c) {
        if (c.lbit == 1) {
            return c.left;
        while (c.rbit == 0) {
            c = c.right;
        return c.right;
    // In Threaded binary search tree
    // the left pointer of every node
    // points to its Inorder predecessor
    // whereas its right pointer points
    // to the Inorder Successor
    inorder() {
        let c = this.root.left;
        while (c.lbit == 1) {
            c = c.left;
        // Loop to traverse the tree
        while (c != this.root) {
            process.stdout.write(c.value + " ");
            c = this.inorderSuccessor(c);
    // Function to find the inorder
    // successor of the node
    inorderSuccessor(c) {
        if (c.rbit == 0) {
            return c.right;
        } else {
            c = c.right;
        while (c.lbit == 1) {
            c = c.left;
        return c;
let t1 = new DTBT();
// Creation of the Threaded Binary search tree
console.log("Inorder Traversal of DTBST");
console.log("\nPreorder Traversal of DTBST");
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel.


Inorder Traversal of DTBST
 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 11 13
Preorder Traversal of DTBST
 6 3 1 5 8 7 11 9 13