Download and Install Python 3 Latest Version

To understand how to Download Python and Install Python You need to know What Python is and where it is actually installed in your system. Let’s consider a few points:

  • Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language.
  • Every Release of Python is open-source. Python releases have also been General Public License (GPL) -compatible.
  • Any version of Python can be downloaded from the Python Software Foundation website at
  • Most languages, notably Linux provide a package manager through which you can directly install Python on your Operating System

In this Python Tutorial on Installation and Setup, you’ll see how to install Python on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Table of Content

  • Download Python
  • Install Python on Windows 10 
  • Install Python on MacOS
  • Install Python on Linux

Download Python

Since Windows doesn’t come with Python preinstalled, it needs to be installed explicitly. Here we will define step by step tutorial on How to install Python on Windows. Follow the steps below :

Steps to Download Python on Windows 10 

Step 1: Visit the Python Website and Navigate to the Downloads Section

First and foremost step is to open a browser and type Python Download or paste link (

Step 2: Choose the Python Version

Click on the version you want to download. – Python 3.12.3 (the latest stable release as of now is Python 3.12.3).

Step 3: Download the Python Installer

Once the download is complete, run the installer program. On Windows, it will typically be a .exe file, on macOS, it will be a .pkg file, and on Linux, it will be a .tar.gz file.

Install Python on Windows 10

Here we are providing the installation process of Python 3.11.2 on Windows

  • Run the Python Installer for how to install Python on the Windows downloads folder 
  • Make sure to mark Add Python to PATH otherwise you will have to do it explicitly. It will start installing Python on Windows. 

  • After installation is complete click on Close. Bingo..!! Python is installed. Now go to Windows and type IDLE. 

Python Shell

  • This is Python Interpreter also called Python Shell. I printed Hello Beginner, python is working smoothly.
  • The three greater than >>> sign is called the Python command prompt, where we write our program and with a single enter key, it will give results so instantly. 

Install Python on MacOS

To install Python simply open the Terminal app from Application -> Utilities and enter the following command

brew install python3

After command processing is complete, Python’s version 3 would be installed on your Mac. 

To verify the installation enter the following commands in your Terminal app

python3 --version

Install Python on Linux

Most Linux OSs have Python pre-installed. To check if your device is pre-installed with Python or not, just go to the terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T, On every Linux system including the following OS:

  • Ubuntu
  • Linux Mint
  • Debian
  • openSUSE
  • CentOS
  • Fedora

You will find Python already installed. You can check it using the following command from the terminal

$ python --version

To check the latest version of Python 3.x.x :

$ python3 --version

Updating and Upgrading Python on Linux

Clearly, it won’t be the latest version of Python. There can be multiple methods to install Python on a Linux base system and it all depends on your Linux system. For almost every Linux system, the following commands would work definitely.

Install the prerequisite for adding PPAs

This command installs the software-properties-common package, which provides a tool called add-apt-repository. This tool is used to add new package repositories (like the deadsnakes PPA) to your system’s sources list.

sudo apt install software-properties-common -y
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python3.13

Verifying the Installation of python3.13 in Linux

To verify the installation of python3.13 in linux we can simply display the version of python3.13 by using the command mentioned below.

python3.13 --version

We also have a complete Python3 Tutorial designed to learn Python 3 at all levels, from beginners to advanced. This comprehensive tutorial takes you through the fundamental concepts of Python 3 and gradually progresses to more advanced topics.