Draw a Flower using Turtle in Python

Turtle is a Python feature like a drawing board, which lets us command a turtle to draw all over it! We can use functions like turtle.forward(…) and turtle.right(…) which can move the turtle around. Turtle is a beginner-friendly way to learn Python by running some basic commands and viewing the turtle do it graphically. It is like a drawing board that allows you to draw over it. The turtle module can be used in both object-oriented and procedure-oriented ways.
To draw, Python turtle provides many functions and methods i.e. forward, backward, etc. Some commonly used methods are:

  • forward(x): moves the pen in the forward direction by x unit. 
  • backward(x): moves the pen in the backward direction by x unit. 
  • right(x): rotate the pen in the clockwise direction by an angle x. 
  • left(x): rotate the pen in the anticlockwise direction by an angle x. 
  • penup(): stop drawing of the turtle pen. 
  • pendown(): start drawing of the turtle pen. 

In this article, we are going to write a code for drawing a Flower with the help of Turtle programming. As shown in the figure below.


  • Import turtle module
  • Set speed of the turtle
  • Using loops to avoid unnecessary repetition of code.
  • Draw each step with specific coordinates

Below is the implementation:

Example1:- Flower


import turtle
tur = turtle.Turtle()
tur.color("black", "orange")
for i in range(50):


Example 2:


import turtle
# Set initial position
turtle.penup ()
turtle.left (90)
turtle.fd (200)
turtle.pendown ()
turtle.right (90)
# flower base
turtle.fillcolor ("red")
turtle.begin_fill ()
turtle.circle (10,180)
turtle.circle (25,110)
turtle.left (50)
turtle.circle (60,45)
turtle.circle (20,170)
turtle.right (24)
turtle.fd (30)
turtle.left (10)
turtle.circle (30,110)
turtle.fd (20)
turtle.left (40)
turtle.circle (90,70)
turtle.circle (30,150)
turtle.right (30)
turtle.fd (15)
turtle.circle (80,90)
turtle.left (15)
turtle.fd (45)
turtle.right (165)
turtle.fd (20)
turtle.left (155)
turtle.circle (150,80)
turtle.left (50)
turtle.circle (150,90)
turtle.end_fill ()
# Petal 1
turtle.left (150)
turtle.circle (-90,70)
turtle.left (20)
turtle.circle (75,105)
turtle.setheading (60)
turtle.circle (80,98)
turtle.circle (-90,40)
# Petal 2
turtle.left (180)
turtle.circle (90,40)
turtle.circle (-80,98)
turtle.setheading (-83)
# Leaves 1
turtle.fd (30)
turtle.left (90)
turtle.fd (25)
turtle.left (45)
turtle.fillcolor ("green")
turtle.begin_fill ()
turtle.circle (-80,90)
turtle.right (90)
turtle.circle (-80,90)
turtle.end_fill ()
turtle.right (135)
turtle.fd (60)
turtle.left (180)
turtle.fd (85)
turtle.left (90)
turtle.fd (80)
# Leaves 2
turtle.right (90)
turtle.right (45)
turtle.fillcolor ("green")
turtle.begin_fill ()
turtle.circle (80,90)
turtle.left (90)
turtle.circle (80,90)
turtle.end_fill ()
turtle.left (135)
turtle.fd (60)
turtle.left (180)
turtle.fd (60)
turtle.right (90)
turtle.circle (200,60)
