DuckDuckGo vs Google Chrome

DuckDuckGo is a web browser that was built mainly to respect the privacy of the users so this web browser is known for its transparency towards its users. It was built by DuckDuckGo Incorporation. The development credit for this browser goes to Gabriel Weinberg and his team. It supports various operating systems like Mac, Windows, Android etc. 

Google Chrome is one of the best web browsers as it is used by more than 60 percent of people worldwide on their desktops. It is also freeware means free to use by anybody. A license agreement is also simple and straightforward. It was developed by Google Incorporation and initially, it was released in 2008.


Following is a table of differences between DuckDuckGo and Google Chrome:



Google Chrome

1. It is used by a large number of people but not as large as google chrome. It is one of the most used web browsers with the biggest user base.
2. It does not track users’ data yet provides good search results. It tracks users’ data to give the best suggestions.
3. It was made to provide an anonymous search facility using tor. It lacks anonymous search functionality.
4. DuckDuckGo bots are used in indexing web pages. Spiders and crawlers are used to index web pages.
5. This web browser uses DuckDuckGo as its default search engine. Google is the default search engine in this web browser.
6. It provides an in-built ad-blocker to block ads. It lacks built-in ad-blocking functionality.
7. It has a large number of customized features. It has fewer customizing features.
8. It has a simple user interface. Its user interface is better.