E -Library Management System

In this article, we will discuss the approach to creating an E-Library Management System where the user has the following options:

  • Add book information.
  • Display book information.
  • To list all books of a given author.
  • To list the count of books in the library.

E -Library Management System

Functionalities Required:

  • If the user tries to add a book then the user must have to provide the below specific Information about the book:
    • Enter Book Name:
    • Enter Author Name:
    • Enter Pages:
    • Enter Price:
  • When the user tries to display all books of a particular author then the user must have to enter the name of the author:
    • Enter the author’s name:
  • The E-Library Management System must be also capable of counting all the books available in the library.

Note: Follow given link to build a Web application on Library Management System.

Below is the program to implement the E-Library Management System:


// C++ code addition
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Create Structure of Library
struct library {
    string book_name;
    string author;
    int pages;
    float price;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Create an array of structs
    library lib[100];
    string ar_nm, bk_nm;
    // Keep the track of the number of
    // of books available in the library
    int i, input, count;
    i = input = count = 0;
    // Iterate the loop
    while (input != 5) {
        cout << "\n\n********######"
             << "WELCOME TO E-LIBRARY "
             << "#####********\n";
        cout << "\n\n1. Add book information\n2. Display book information\n";
        cout << "3. List all books of given author\n";
        cout << "4. List the count of books in the library\n";
        cout << "5. Exit\n";
        // Enter the book details
        cout << "\n\nEnter one of the above: ";
        cin >> input;
        // Process the input
        switch (input) {
        // Add book
        case 1:
            cout << "Enter book name = ";
            cin >> lib[i].book_name;
            cout << "Enter author name = ";
            cin >> lib[i].author;
            cout << "Enter pages = ";
            cin >> lib[i].pages;
            cout << "Enter price = ";
            cin >> lib[i].price;
        // Print book information
        case 2:
            cout << "you have entered the following information\n";
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                cout << "book name = " << lib[i].book_name;
                cout << "\t author name = " << lib[i].author;
                cout << "\t  pages = " << lib[i].pages;
                cout << "\t  price = " << lib[i].price << endl;
        // Take the author name as input
        case 3:
            cout << "Enter author name : ";
            cin >> ar_nm;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                if (ar_nm == lib[i].author)
                    cout << lib[i].book_name << " " << lib[i].author << " " << lib[i].pages << " " << lib[i].price << endl;
        // Print total count
        case 4:
            cout << "\n No of books in library : " << count << endl;
        case 5:
    return 0;
// The code is contributed by Nidhi goel.


// C program for the E-library
// Management System
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Create Structure of Library
struct library {
    char book_name[20];
    char author[20];
    int pages;
    float price;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Create a instance
    struct library lib[100];
    char ar_nm[30], bk_nm[30];
    // Keep the track of the number of
    // of books available in the library
    int i, input, count;
    i = input = count = 0;
    // Iterate the loop
    while (input != 5) {
               "WELCOME TO E-LIBRARY "
        printf("\n\n1. Add book infor"
               "mation\n2. Display "
               "book information\n");
        printf("3. List all books of "
               "given author\n");
            "4. List the count of book"
            "s in the library\n");
        printf("5. Exit");
        // Enter the book details
        printf("\n\nEnter one of "
               "the above: ");
        scanf("%d", &input);
        // Process the input
        switch (input) {
        // Add book
        case 1:
            printf("Enter book name = ");
            scanf("%s", lib[i].book_name);
            printf("Enter author name = ");
            scanf("%s", lib[i].author);
            printf("Enter pages = ");
            scanf("%d", &lib[i].pages);
            printf("Enter price = ");
            scanf("%f", &lib[i].price);
        // Print book information
        case 2:
            printf("you have entered"
                   " the following "
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                printf("book name = %s",
                printf("\t author name = %s",
                printf("\t  pages = %d",
                printf("\t  price = %f",
        // Take the author name as input
        case 3:
            printf("Enter author name : ");
            scanf("%s", ar_nm);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                if (strcmp(ar_nm,
                    == 0)
                    printf("%s %s %d %f",
        // Print total count
        case 4:
            printf("\n No of books in "
                   "brary : %d",
        case 5:
    return 0;


import java.util.Scanner;
// Create a class for the Library
class Library {
    String bookName;
    String author;
    int pages;
    float price;
// Main class for the driver code
public class ELibrary {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create an array of Library objects
        Library[] library = new Library[100];
        String arNm;
        // Keep track of the number of books available in the library
        int i, input, count;
        i = input = count = 0;
        // Initialize the array with Library objects
        for (int j = 0; j < library.length; j++) {
            library[j] = new Library();
        // Scanner to take input from the user
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        // Iterate the loop
        while (input != 5) {
            System.out.println("\n\n********###### WELCOME TO E-LIBRARY #####********");
            System.out.println("1. Add book information\n2. Display book information");
            System.out.println("3. List all books of given author\n4. List the count of books in the library");
            System.out.println("5. Exit");
            // Enter the book details
            System.out.print("\n\nEnter one of the above: ");
            input = scanner.nextInt();
            // Process the input
            switch (input) {
                // Add book
                case 1:
                    System.out.print("Enter book name = ");
                    library[i].bookName = scanner.next();
                    System.out.print("Enter author name = ");
                    library[i].author = scanner.next();
                    System.out.print("Enter pages = ");
                    library[i].pages = scanner.nextInt();
                    System.out.print("Enter price = ");
                    library[i].price = scanner.nextFloat();
                // Print book information
                case 2:
                    System.out.println("You have entered the following information");
                    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                        System.out.println("Book name = " + library[j].bookName +
                                "\t Author name = " + library[j].author +
                                "\t Pages = " + library[j].pages +
                                "\t Price = " + library[j].price);
                // Take the author name as input
                case 3:
                    System.out.print("Enter author name: ");
                    arNm = scanner.next();
                    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                        if (arNm.equals(library[j].author)) {
                            System.out.println(library[j].bookName + " " +
                                    library[j].author + " " +
                                    library[j].pages + " " +
                // Print total count
                case 4:
                    System.out.println("\nNo of books in library: " + count);
                case 5:


# Python code equivalent of the C++ code
class Library:
    def __init__(self, book_name, author, pages, price):
        self.book_name = book_name
        self.author = author
        self.pages = pages
        self.price = price
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.book_name}\t {self.author}\t {self.pages}\t {self.price}"
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create an array of Library objects
    lib = []
    # Keep the track of the number of
    # of books available in the library
    count = 0
    # Iterate the loop
    while True:
        print("\n\n********######WELCOME TO E-LIBRARY #####********\n")
        print("1. Add book information\n2. Display book information\n",
            "3. List all books of given author\n4. List the count of books in the library\n5. Exit\n")
        # Enter the book details
        input_choice = input("Enter one of the above: ")
        # Process the input
        if input_choice == '1':
            book_name = input("Enter book name = ")
            author = input("Enter author name = ")
            pages = int(input("Enter pages = "))
            price = float(input("Enter price = "))
            lib.append(Library(book_name, author, pages, price))
            count += 1
        elif input_choice == '2':
            print("you have entered the following information")
            for book in lib:
        elif input_choice == '3':
            ar_nm = input("Enter author name : ")
            for book in lib:
                if book.author == ar_nm:
        elif input_choice == '4':
            print(f"\nNo of books in library : {count}\n")
        elif input_choice == '5':


using System;
// Create Structure of Library
struct Library
    public string BookName;
    public string Author;
    public int Pages;
    public float Price;
// Driver Code
class Program
    static void Main()
        // Create an array of structs
        Library[] library = new Library[100];
        string authorName;
        // Keep track of the number of books available in the library
        int i, input, count;
        i = input = count = 0;
        // Iterate the loop
        while (input != 5)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n********######" +
                              "WELCOME TO E-LIBRARY " +
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n1. Add book information\n2. Display book information\n" +
                              "3. List all books of given author\n" +
                              "4. List the count of books in the library\n" +
                              "5. Exit\n");
            // Enter the book details
            Console.Write("\n\nEnter one of the above: ");
            input = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            // Process the input
            switch (input)
                // Add book
                case 1:
                    Console.Write("Enter book name = ");
                    library[i].BookName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.Write("Enter author name = ");
                    library[i].Author = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.Write("Enter pages = ");
                    library[i].Pages = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("Enter price = ");
                    library[i].Price = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                // Print book information
                case 2:
                    Console.WriteLine("You have entered the following information");
                    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Book name = {library[i].BookName}" +
                                          $"\t Author name = {library[i].Author}" +
                                          $"\t Pages = {library[i].Pages}" +
                                          $"\t Price = {library[i].Price}");
                // Take the author name as input
                case 3:
                    Console.Write("Enter author name : ");
                    authorName = Console.ReadLine();
                    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        if (authorName == library[i].Author)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{library[i].BookName} {library[i].Author} {library[i].Pages} {library[i].Price}");
                // Print total count
                case 4:
                    Console.WriteLine($"\nNo of books in library: {count}\n");
                case 5:


const readline = require('readline');
// Create a class for the Library
class Library {
    constructor() {
        this.bookName = "";
        this.author = "";
        this.pages = 0;
        this.price = 0.0;
// Main function for the driver code
function main() {
    // Create an array of Library objects
    let library = new Array(100).fill(null).map(() => new Library());
    let arNm;
    // Keep track of the number of books available in the library
    let i = 0, input = 0, count = 0;
    // Initialize the array with Library objects
    // Iterate the loop
    const rl = readline.createInterface({
        input: process.stdin,
        output: process.stdout
    rl.setPrompt("\n\nEnter one of the above: ");
    // Enter the book details
    rl.on('line', (line) => {
        input = parseInt(line.trim());
        // Process the input
        switch (input) {
            // Add book
            case 1:
                rl.question("Enter book name = ", (bookName) => {
                    library[i].bookName = bookName;
                    rl.question("Enter author name = ", (author) => {
                        library[i].author = author;
                        rl.question("Enter pages = ", (pages) => {
                            library[i].pages = parseInt(pages);
                            rl.question("Enter price = ", (price) => {
                                library[i].price = parseFloat(price);
            // Print book information
            case 2:
                console.log("You have entered the following information");
                for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                    console.log("Book name = " + library[j].bookName +
                        "\t Author name = " + library[j].author +
                        "\t Pages = " + library[j].pages +
                        "\t Price = " + library[j].price);
            // Take the author name as input
            case 3:
                rl.question("Enter author name: ", (author) => {
                    arNm = author;
                    for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                        if (arNm === library[j].author) {
                            console.log(library[j].bookName + " " +
                                library[j].author + " " +
                                library[j].pages + " " +
            // Print total count
            case 4:
                console.log("\nNo of books in library: " + count);
            case 5:
    }).on('close', () => {
// Call the main function to start the program


Displaying the functionalities and input for option 1:

For Choice 2 and 3:

For choice 4 and 5:

Please refer to the complete article of Library Management System Project.