EBay Interview Experience

Anubhav Chaturvedi was quite amused when he got the confirmation of a job offer from EBay. He recalls ‘I did not expect everything to sail through so quickly. It was a rather quick back-to-back, I guess 2 hours of interview, and they offered me the job.’ But we know it’s not so easy to land a job in one of the fastest-growing companies in the world. Behind this is a lot of determination, hard work and talent which eventually resulted in achieving this amazing feat. We at TopTalent spoke to Anubhav about his experience of giving an Ebay interview and what advise he had to offer for others looking to achieve something similar.

TopTalent: Can you give us a brief account of what you felt was the toughest interview?

All the interviews were more of a discussion. I was given a problem and then there were modifications. So I did not feel very uncomfortable once it started. I would say the third round of technical interview can be considered the toughest. It involved questions based on your interests. I, being particularly interested in Computer Networks, was asked to design a complete WhatsApp application and server. It not only included the design, where I had to tell what all will be implemented on server and client on an abstract level, I was also asked to code for the client with few features. The discussion then moved to Java, OS and bit manipulation questions.

TopTalent: What was your preparation strategy?

I just prepared myself to tackle the problems as they came and made sure the interviewer knew what I was thinking. I think it is very essential to have effective communication with the interviewer in order to truly showcase your abilities.

TopTalent: What resources did you consult? Where did you practice problems from?

I looked through the problem sets on w3wiki and CareerCup but not extensively. The problem discussions I had with my friends were the most useful according to me.

TopTalent: What kind of skills do you think helped you getting this job?

My open minded and application oriented approach to problems. The interviews were based on my past work and the discussions were also focused on creation of applications and how I will go about it. So there was no right or wrong solution, it was about how you implement it and upgrade it with changing needs. We ended up designing a basic WhatsApp server and client application.

TopTalent: What’s your advice to students who are aiming for similar placement offers as yours?

Just be true to yourself and be confident. Things will work out. If you are learning something new everyday ( even if it is not in your course ) then you are not wasting your time, just keep learning and be curious. Not knowing is okay, not learning is not.

As far as study topics are concerned, I would say, as many others, that DSA and OS play an important role. If you are good at OOP ( any language, like Java ) that is a plus, as most of the industries work on these platforms. Don’t waste your time during the summers, take up some internship or freelancing project or get involved in some opensource project.

TopTalent: What should one keep in mind while preparing a resume?

Do not put in anything you cannot talk about for at least 5 minutes. One of the rounds ( ~1hr ) was completely based on my resume and I enjoyed it because I knew everything I had done. One of the project was based on Android sensors and location accuracy and that extended into a discussion of how PayPal uses it. So make sure you know what you have done. Keep it short and to the point.