Ecompsys India Private Limited Interview Experience for PHP Developer Intern


Securing an internship opportunity can be a pivotal moment in a student’s journey towards professional growth and development. As a second-year college student proficient in MERN stack technologies and data structures and algorithms (DSA), I embarked on the challenging yet rewarding path of interviewing for the PHP Developer Internship at Ecompsys India Private Limited in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. This article details my comprehensive preparation process, the two rigorous interview rounds I encountered, the questions asked, and ultimately, the outcome of the interview experience.


Preparation is the cornerstone of success in any interview endeavor. Recognizing the significance of this opportunity, I dedicated substantial time and effort to refresh and enhance my knowledge in PHP, web development fundamentals, and problem-solving skills. My preparation journey encompassed several key areas:

Revisiting PHP Fundamentals:

  • I delved into PHP syntax, variables, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming concepts.
  • Practice sessions included coding exercises to reinforce my understanding of PHP fundamentals.

Web Development Concepts:

  • I refreshed my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring proficiency in front-end development techniques.
  • Understanding the interplay between these technologies and PHP was crucial for effective web application development.

MySQL and Database Systems:

  • Given the importance of database management in web development, I revisited MySQL and basic SQL queries.
  • Practical exercises involved designing and querying databases to strengthen my skills in data management.

Problem-Solving and Debugging:

  • I engaged in problem-solving exercises and debugging challenges to hone my logical reasoning and troubleshooting abilities.
  • Identifying and rectifying errors in codebases was a key focus area, reflecting the real-world challenges I might encounter as a PHP Developer Intern.

Interview Rounds:

Round 1: Technical Round

The first interview round aimed to assess my technical proficiency in PHP, web development, and database systems. The questions posed during this round delved into various aspects of these domains:

PHP Fundamentals:

  • Questions covered topics such as PHP syntax, variables, data types, control structures (if-else, loops), and functions.
  • I confidently demonstrated my understanding of these concepts, elucidating their relevance in web application development.

Web Development Concepts:

  • Inquiry into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript concepts, including semantic markup, styling techniques, and client-side scripting.
  • I elucidated the role of each technology in creating interactive and visually appealing web interfaces, showcasing my knowledge of front-end development principles.

Problem-Solving Exercises:

  • Given coding challenges to assess my problem-solving skills and coding proficiency in PHP.
  • I approached each problem methodically, providing clear explanations of my thought process and coding solutions.

Database Systems:

  • Discussion on database management systems, focusing on MySQL and basic SQL queries.
  • I demonstrated my ability to design database schemas, write SQL queries for data retrieval and manipulation, and ensure data integrity.

Round 2: Behavioral Round

The second interview round shifted the focus towards assessing my soft skills, communication abilities, and compatibility with the company culture. The questions spanned various behavioral and situational scenarios

Teamwork and Collaboration:

  • Scenario-based questions explored my experience working in team environments, resolving conflicts, and collaborating effectively.
  • Drawing from past experiences, I shared instances where I demonstrated strong teamwork and communication skills to achieve common goals.

Previous Projects and Experiences:

  • Inquiry into my previous projects or experiences relevant to web development, highlighting my contributions and learnings.
  • I elaborated on my role in developing web applications, overcoming challenges, and implementing innovative solutions.

Learning and Adaptability:

  • Discussion on my approach to learning new technologies and staying updated with industry trends.
  • I emphasized my proactive attitude towards continuous learning, citing examples of self-directed learning initiatives and participation in online courses.

Understanding of Internship Responsibilities:

Clarification on my understanding of the internship responsibilities and expectations outlined in the job description.

I articulated my alignment with the role’s objectives, expressing enthusiasm for gaining hands-on experience and contributing to real-world projects.


Following the completion of both interview rounds, I received an offer for the PHP Developer Internship at Ecompsys India Private Limited. Despite being an unpaid internship, I recognized the immense value it offered in terms of hands-on experience, mentorship from experienced developers, exposure to cutting-edge technologies, and networking opportunities within the industry. The interview experience served as a testament to the efficacy of thorough preparation, effective communication, and a proactive mindset in navigating the internship selection process.


The PHP Developer Internship interview experience at Ecompsys India Private Limited was a culmination of diligent preparation, technical proficiency, and interpersonal skills. Through comprehensive preparation encompassing PHP fundamentals, web development concepts, and problem-solving skills, I navigated through two rigorous interview rounds with confidence and competence. The outcome, an offer for the internship, underscored the importance of proactive learning, effective communication, and alignment with the company’s objectives. This experience not only signifies a milestone in my professional journey but also serves as a testament to the value of internships in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the dynamic field of web development.