Ectopic Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Ectopic Pregnancy occurs when the egg is fertilized outside the uterus and then the fertilized egg is mainly in the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is not for holding the embryo and it’s not stretched like the uterus. This leads to bleeding and it is a life-threatening situation.

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?


Human pregnancy has several essential steps from starting till the delivery of a baby. The fertilized egg is implanted in the endometrial membrane of the uterus in normal cases. But if it remains stuck in the fallopian tube such pregnancy is known as ectopic pregnancy. 

In rare cases, the egg can stuck in the abdominal cavity or cervix. Untreated ectopic pregnancy can lead to a life-threatening situation. Treatment helps to reduce the risk factors of ectopic pregnancy.

Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy happens when the egg is stuck in the fallopian tube, the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Sometimes following factors are also caused ectopic pregnancy are:

  • Hormones
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Congenital Abnormalities
  • The fallopian tube is affected due to exposure to other conditions, surgery, etc.
  • Any medical issue which affects the shape of the fallopian tube.

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

In the early stage, symptoms are similar to pregnancy. Other symptoms also seen in ectopic pregnancies are:

  1. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
  2. Lower Abdominal Pain
  3. Dizziness 
  4. Tiredness

In some severe cases fallopian tube ruptures which causes severe pain and other symptoms as well:

  1. Blackout
  2. Shoulder Pain
  3. Low BP
  4. Rectal Pressure

Early Warning Signs of Ectopic Pregnancy

  • Vaginal bleeding and lower abdominal pain
  • If blood comes from the fallopian tube, the female feels shoulder pain, and an urge for bowel moment. 

Risk Factors for Ectopic Pregnancy

Some of the risk factors which cause ectopic pregnancy are:

  • Previous Ectopic Pregnancy: If you were exposed to ectopic pregnancy, you will most likely be exposed again. 
  • Inflammation or Previous Injury: STIs can do inflammation in the fallopian tube which increases the chances of getting ectopic pregnancy.
  • Fertility Treatment: IVF or other procedures similar to IVF are more prone to ectopic pregnancy.
  • Tubal Surgery: Fallopian tube structure also increases the risk.
  • Smoking: Smoking before getting pregnant.


Ectopic pregnancy occurred mainly because of the inflammation or infection in the fallopian tube. If it remains untreated it can lead to life-threatening vaginal bleeding.

Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy

Your doctor will run several tests after observing your symptoms. They first confirm whether you are pregnant or not. Later, they check if the pregnancy is normal or ectopic pregnancy. The doctor runs the following test to diagnose:

  • Urine Test: The doctor checks the amount of hCG in urine or blood.
  • Blood Test: Blood test runs to observe the level of hCG and progesterone. If the hormones decrease or saturate at the same level it shows ectopic pregnancy.
  • Ultrasound: With the help of an ultrasound doctor see the location of an implanted embryo.

Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy

If it is not treated then it becomes a life-threatening disease. The treatment depends on the: Symptoms or The time when it is diagnosed. 


The doctor prescribes some medication that prevents the ectopic mass not to burst. Some drugs are given to prevent the growth of cells. The doctor will observe whether the drug is effective or not. If the drug is effective it shows similar symptoms to Miscarriage. It includes Cramping and bleeding.


The doctor removed the embryo or repairs the internal damage in the fallopian tube this process is known as laparotomy. Surgeons make small incisions and insert a camera to see their work. If the first laparotomy is not successful they do it again but this time with a large incision. Surgeons remove the whole fallopian tube if it is damaged.

Prevention of Ectopic Pregnancy

There is no specific prevention for ectopic pregnancy. But we can reduce the risk factors by taking some preventive measures. 

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Quit smoking
  • Healthy diet intake
  • Decrease the chances of STD

FAQs on Ectopic Pregnancy

Question 1: What are the Symptoms of an Ectopic Pregnancy?


Following are the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Tiredness and Dizziness

Question 2: Who is at Risk for an Ectopic Pregnancy?


Females are at risk:

  • Smoking
  • Family History of Infertility
  • Mid age women (>35)
  • Having unsafe sex with multiple partners 

Question 3: Can an Ectopic Pregnancy be Prevented or Avoided?


There is no specific preventive measure to prevent an ectopic pregnancy. But there are several preventive ways to decrease the risk factors.

Question 4: How will I feel after an Ectopic Pregnancy?


After healing from ectopic pregnancy females feel an emotional breakdown, anxiety, irritability, or anxious feeling.